
Páginas: 3 (713 palabras) Publicado: 2 de abril de 2013
I have selected this lesson to match the following standards: demonstration of instructional skills using a variety of teaching strategies, planning for instruction, appropriateness to the age-group,and goals that are clear, suitable for diverse students and reachable to all types of learners .
It was only the third time that I intended to produce this type of learning experience (TPR) amongmy students. The first couple of times were even less successful. I have learned that I should allocate more time for the students to process the new vocabulary that was incorporated to the story. Theuse of simple words can be more beneficial for all. I also understood that a very long story can be tiring and difficult to follow.
I feel like the lesson was age-appropriate and I have had someresponses from a considerable group of students that were positive. With this type of activities I embrace more than one aspect of learning and cover a good amount of vocabulary. With the feel-inthe blanks and the questionnaire I can also assess my students while keeping them in the ambits of the target language.
I will continue to use this method of learning to get more acceptance from thestudents. It may take some time but the ultimate goal will be reach with certainty. I will also give more time for the students to learn the story in order to upper their level of confidence and seewhat kind of result it can produce.

He seleccionado esta lección para que coincida con las siguientes normas: demostración de habilidades didácticas que utilizan una variedad de estrategias deenseñanza, la planificación de la instrucción, la idoneidad para el grupo de edad, y las metas que son claras, adecuado para estudiantes diversos y accesible a todo tipo de alumnos .
Fue apenas la terceravez que tenía la intención de producir este tipo de experiencia de aprendizaje (TPR), entre mis alumnos. El primer par de veces eran incluso menos éxito. He aprendido que debo dedicar más tiempo a...
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