Malas Tareas

Páginas: 3 (513 palabras) Publicado: 26 de diciembre de 2012
The Drug

It is "any substance which, when introduced into the living organism, may modify one or more of the functions of it." Dependence is "the psychological and sometimes physical statecaused by the interaction between a living organism and a drug, characterized by behavioral changes and other responses that always include an irresistible impulse to take the drug on a continuous orperiodic in order to experience its psychic effects and sometimes to avoid the discomfort of its absence. " TOLERANCE "an adaptation state that is characterized by a decreased response to the same dose ofdrug or by the fact that to produce the same degree of pharmacodynamic effect, a higher dose is necessary." Cross-tolerance is "a phenomenon in which a drug is taken and tolerance appears not only tothe drug, but also the same type or sometimes other related".

Classes of drugs
Drug dependence characteristics show large differences from one drug to another type.
Causes euphoria andanalgesia. The characteristics of drug dependence are: Unit psychic to varying degrees. Establishment of physical dependence. After reducing consumption below a critical level, there is a self-limitedabstinence syndrome. Withdrawal symptoms include: tremors, hallucinations, convulsions and "delirium tremens". Establishing a tolerance of irregular and incomplete.
It is a potent brainstimulant, similar in action to amphetamines, causing feelings of great muscular strength and mental alertness. They can, in high doses, cause a euphoric excitement and hallucinatory experiences. The drugis presented as follows: • intense psychic dependence. • Physical dependence. • The withdrawal syndrome is manifested by anxiety, nausea, tremor, fatigue and depressive symptoms. • Lack of tolerance.• Strong tendency to continue administration.
Drug Design
Chemically synthesized substances that are used as "recreational drug" looking in consumption greater receptivity to sensual aspects and...
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