
Páginas: 4 (755 palabras) Publicado: 4 de febrero de 2013
Organization: a group of people that work together to achieve some specific purpose.
Management: the pursuit of organization goals efficiently and effectively bye interpreting the work orpeople through planning, organization, leading, and controlling the organization´s purposes.
Efficiency: to use resources; people, money; raw material, and the like-wisely cost-effectively.
Effective:achieve results, to make the right decisions and to successfully carry them out so that they achieve the organizations goals.
6 challenges to begin a star manager.
1. Competitive advantage: isthe ability of an organization to produce goods or services more effectively than competitors do, thereby outperforming them.
Being responsive to customers.

2.Managing diversity: the challenge to the manager of near future is to maximize the contributions of employees diverse in gender, age, and ethnicity.

3. Globalization: gestures and symbols don´thave the same meaning to everyone thought the world. Not understanding such differences can affect how well organizations manage globally.
4. Technology: internet, the global network of independentlyoperating but interconnected computers, linking hundreds of thousands of smaller networks around the globe.

5. Ethical standards: it’s not just a nicety, it is a very important part of doingbusiness.

6. Happiness in life: no matter your pay you have to consider whether in meeting the organization´s challenges you are also meeting the challenges of realizing your own happiness.

4functions for managers.

Planning: you set goals and decide how to achieve them.
Organization: you arrange tasks, people, and other resources to accomplish the work.
Leading: you motivate, direct, andotherwise influence people to work to achieve the organizations goals.
Controlling: you monitor performance, compare it with goals, and take corrective action as needed.


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