
Páginas: 4 (968 palabras) Publicado: 24 de noviembre de 2010
|date |word |examples |
|February 19th |TO AFFORD|Ex 1.: Our car is breaking all the time and we should buy a new one. |
| | |Unfortunately we can't afford itnow. |
| | |Ex 2.: He won 1 mln dollars last week! Now he can afford a trip wherever |
|| |he wants! |
|February 20th |PURPOSE|Ex 1.: The purpose of this article is to show people how to lose weight |
| | |effectively.|
| | |Ex 2.: She went out with the purpose of buying a new dress. |
|February 21th|CONDITION |Ex 1.: Her car is in an excellent condition. |
| | |Ex2.: They used to live in a small damp flat but recently they improved |
| | |their living conditions.|
|February 22th |TO INVOLVE |Ex 1.: What does the job involve? Will I have to travel a lot? |
|| |Ex 2.: Schools involve parents in their children education. |
|February 23th |TO DEVELOP |Ex 1.: New...
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