
Páginas: 2 (367 palabras) Publicado: 7 de mayo de 2012
Trata de niña de 4 años que vivia con sus padres y su hermano que veian siempre la tv, pero ella no encambio ella siempre iba a la biblioteca sola y se dio cuenta de que la lecturaera interesante, y leia libros de matematica de adultos. A los 7años feu a la escuela ahi cunocioa su maestra la señorita miel y su horrible tia tronbull que a los niños que se portaban mal losmetia a un cuarto obscuro que tenian clavos, y vidrios rotos entre otras cosas horribles. Un dia la señora tronchbull fue a comprar un auto a el padre de Matilda pero el auto no serbia y amatilda la metio al cuarto obscuro entonces la maestra miel la fue a sacar del cuarto, y le platico de su padre el habia muerto, pero cuando vivia le daba unos chocolates y su padre se comia lamitad y le daba la mitad a la señorita honey, Matilda le propuso a la maestra de que fueran a la casa de su padre a comer unos chocolates.Ella acepto, y en unos pocos días adopto a Matilda, yaque sus padres se metieron en un problema con la autoridad.

Try 4 year old girl who lived with his parents and his brother who saw the TV always, but she encambio she always went tothe library alone and realized that reading was interesting, and read books of mathematics by adults. At 7 years there feu cunocioaschool her teacher Miss Honey and his horrible aunt tronbull thatchildren who misbehaved put them into a dark room that had nails and broken glass and otherhorrible things. One day Mrs. tronchbull went to buy a car Matilda's father but the car does matildaSerbia and methionine to the dark room the teacher then went to get thehoney of the room, and I talk to her father had died, but when he lived gave him some chocolates and his father ate half andgave half to Miss honey, Matilda's teachersuggested to go to his father's house to eat some chocolates.Ella accept, and in a few days adopted Matilda, because his parents got into a problem with
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