Medico Veterinario

Páginas: 3 (569 palabras) Publicado: 8 de abril de 2012
The Anyl Ray is the most widely used, readily
accepted instrument for fat analysis in the meat
industry. It differs from other analysis methods in
following aspects:

• fat analysing does nottake place on the

final product or after final mincing, but on
the raw material, meaning fresh or frozen
meat (uncured, without salt);

• no use of chemicals;
• meat samples may be returned tothe
batch after testing;

• lean/fat ratios can be determined in a
matter of seconds;

• the Anyl Ray may be placed directly in the
production area.

The Anyl Ray useslow-level X-rays to determine the lean / fat ratio of a 5,9 kg meat sample in a
matter of seconds. During the analysis the gamma-rays are mostly absorbed by the muscle fibres
(rich in mineral),whilst the fat fibres (poor in mineral) absorbe almost no gamma-rays. The determined percentage of fat is shown on the display and can be transfered by a RS-232 Interface to a
computer-system or to anoptional printer. The FPM-Analysis calculates the percent of fat, protein
and moisture. The analyzed meat samples may be returned to the batch.
• Checking fat in purchased meat:The Anyl-Ray allows you to make certain that you get what you pay for. The results of an Anyl-Ray
test are readily accepted by most packers.
• Controlling fat in trimming production:
Randomlyselected units are cubed or ground, then analyzed for fat, thus providing you with
guidance during operations. This application is where the Anyl-Ray speed becomes really important.NAHRUNGSMITTEL-TECHNOLOGIE • FOOD TECHNOLOGY

Anyl Ray Fat Analysis
Instrument 316-6

• Controlling cooked sausage:
Determine fat/ lean ratio in pre-mixed meats as a
basis for their combinations, or informulated fresh
and frozen meat for immediate correction to achieve desired product composition.

The Anyl-Ray gives you triple security:

Your final product contains the maximum quantity...
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