
Páginas: 3 (555 palabras) Publicado: 29 de octubre de 2009
Name: Elena Madrid Botero
Date: Marzo 13 del 2009

1. Grammar Review; Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the English grammar question.Each question has only one correct answer.

I. Ejemplo: Are there ______ apples in the kitchen? * much | |
* any | X |
* some | |
* a | |

II. That is _____ interestingbook.

* the | |
* a | |
* an | X |
* - | |

III. I went ______ church last Sunday.

* at | |
* in | |
* to | X |
* on | |

IV. What _____ he like? - He isvery friendly.

* does | |
* did | |
* is | X |
* has | |

V. I ________ a new car last month.

* Bought | |
* have bought | X |
* buyed | |
* did bought | |VI. How ________ money do you have in your pocket?

* many | |
* few | |
* much | x |
* some | |

VII. Jack is a nice boy, and I like _____.

* - | |
* him | X |
*his | |
* it | |

VIII. I get up ______ seven o'clock every day.

* in | |
* on | |
* at | X |
* to | |

IX. I like __________ music.

* listen | |
* listen to ||
* listening to | x |
* to listening to | |

X. What __________ in your free time?

* you do | |
* do you do | X |
* are you doing | |
* does you do | |
XI. Myfather _______ in a bank.

* works | X |
* work | |
* is working | |
* is worked | |

2. Beginning English Multiple Choice Test; Choose the correct word or phrase to complete eachquestion. Each question has only one correct answer.

I. Ejemplo: Tom has ____________ English lesson on Thursdays. * Your | |
* her | |
* his | X |

II. This film is____________ than his last one.

* best | |
* good | |
* better | X |

III. I'm hungry! Is there ____________ fruit in the cupboard?

* a lot | |
* any | X |
* some | |...
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