Mio Si Mio

Páginas: 4 (851 palabras) Publicado: 11 de diciembre de 2012
Always sometimes never
Does your ever eat chocolate cake?
Does your ever eat lettuce?
Does your evereat couliflower?
Does your ever eat fish?
Does your ever eat eggs?
Does yourever eat meat?

Parque de diversiones | | invierno | |
enero | | otoño | |
octubre | | primavera | |
febrero | | verano | |piscina | | mes | |
Jamon | | Crema batida | |
pelar | | Jarabe de chocolate | |
Salchicha | | Año | |
leche | | Semana | |
huevo | | Fresa | |
arroz | | Naranja | |tomate | | Papa | |
platano | | Lechuga | |
queque | | Pescado | |
tienda | | cine | |

Do you like cake? No
Does he your homework? Si___________________________________
Does she have breakfast at seven o’clock? Si
Do you take a shower at seven thirty? Si
___________________________________________UNSACRAMBLE THE SENTENCES
1.- I / hospital/ was/ at
2.- We / reading / comic / a/ were
3.- You / the/ were/ restaurant/ at_____________________________________________________
4.-/ school/ I/ at /was/ the
5.- stadium /were/ they/ the/at_____________________________________________
6.-/ soccer/ plays/ she/ was /at

ASK and answer

1.- Where were they on Monday?
2.-Where were we on Friday?
3.- Where were she on Wendesney?
4.- Where were he on Sunday?...
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  • Mio Mio
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas