Movenu 2011 Study Guide Climate Change And Alternative Energies

Páginas: 35 (8698 palabras) Publicado: 1 de octubre de 2011




Dear Delegates,

Welcome to MOVENU 2011, my name is Simonetta Spavieri and I will serve you as the Secretary General for this Ninth Edition that we have named “Voluntaries for Peace” convinced of the duty that youth has towards the achievement of a better world. I am honored to oversee the contents of MOVENU next to the Academic Coordinators, Maria Pinzón,Jacobo Cordido y Daniella Nacad. Together, we have committed to ensure the academic excellence of MOVENU, to which we believe necessary different conditions given by the delegates and the Dias. From you delegates, we hope to find commitment on being proactive speakers of your thoughts, smart creators of solutions and forgers of solid consensuses. From the Dias we shall offer efficient and nonobstructive moderation, dedication, knowledge of agenda topics and the following study guide which shall serve to you as a first immersion in the topic. The study guide is set in different sections that can help to understand the committee’s agenda. Firstly, a section regarding the mandate and functions of the committee, then the topic issue explained with its background and different aspects. Finally, asection related to the different bloc positions can orientate you to understand your official position and role in the committee and the section “questions a resolution must answer” should allow you to understand the kind of solutions that are expected as a result of the discussion you will be part of. Another document that as a delegate you should refer to is the General Rules of Procedure ofMOVENU 2011 and those specific rules for specialized committees, all of these available on our website.

We would like the result of this academic and social experience to be the renewal of commitment from us youngsters in serving as tools for change of our social realities. The invitation is to prepare to the debate in your committee of MOVENU 2011 with the awareness that to confront the problemsof our generation it will be required the same level of preparation, as well as your interest and actions. You have demonstrated to be pre-occupied by entering this event, we wish to see us all occupied in finding solutions during the days of MOVENU and occupied afterwards in applying our strength in voluntary initiatives that can contribute to the development of our country and the world.

Weare available to assist you during your preparation to MOVENU through the official e-mails for each committee, academic coordinator and the Secretary General, as well as other digital media set by each Dias for your committee. Specifically for your committee:, and through Facebook: European Union MOVENU 2011 Wishing to meet you all in October,Simonetta Spavieri

Dear Delegates,

Welcome to the European Commission! My name is Angelica Ortiz and I am very excited to be your Chair. First, let me tell you a little more about myself: I am a student at UCV pursuing a degree in International Studies. When I was in high school I started to participate in Models of United Nations, having the chance of going toseveral national and international MUNs. During that time I found out that my passion lies in contributing to solve the greatest international concerns, which is why in my first year in university I decided to be part of the delegation of WORDLMUN Singapore 2011 (where I had the chance of participating this year). Currently I'm a member of the delegation preparing for WOLDMUN Vancouver 2012. In my sparetime I enjoy hanging out with my friends while enjoying a nice sushi meal or movies as well as reading a good book. Soon we will find ourselves discussing one of the major concerns in the world: How to achieve Sustainable Development? In the words of Paulo Coelho in his portrait of today's society, “The Winner is Alone”: "Today, it seems that the central point of human concerns -despite the...
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