
Páginas: 2 (456 palabras) Publicado: 5 de octubre de 2010
The National Museum of Anthropology's mission is to promote closer and reflection of the Salvadorans about their cultural identity, through exhibitions, research, publications and educationalprograms in the fields of archeology and anthropology as a testimony of the social processes of different human groups who inhabited and inhabit throughout the national territory.

The overall objective ofMUNA is to preserve, research and disseminate a collection of objects created by cultures in the country, in order to preserve this legacy as a cultural heritage of present and future generations, tofoster a sense of belonging to the Salvadorans, giving a constructive example of our wealth and our cultural choices.

The MUNA seeks to achieve its integration in society, for appropriating theircultural heritage contribute to the strengthening of their identity, making the MUNA into a cultural center and a means of continuing education.

The museum has 5 permanent showrooms and temporaryroom which presents the history of our country.

Introductory room:

This room focuses and explains the concept of anthropology is the science which studies human beings in your past, present, andfuture projections, and how it interacts with its environment. In this room trying to explain the concept of cultural heritage and national identity.

Board of Human Settlements:
This room containsthe historical background of the first settlements that existed in El Salvador, evidence of the emergence, development, social organization and stratification of the Hispanic cultures, also recountsthe arrival of the Spanish conquest and the process suffered by the country as well as social, cultural and economic changes that took place, ending with a glimpse of San Salvador in the early XXcentury.

Chamber of Agriculture:
Across the room to observe the different agricultural techniques and instruments employed in the country over time, diet and major agricultural products. In colonial...
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