My Sql

Páginas: 7 (1700 palabras) Publicado: 19 de noviembre de 2012
SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere, On-Demand Edition

Building Customer-Centric,
Software-as-a-Service Applications

Using SAP® Sybase® SQL Anywhere®, On-Demand Edition,
for More Effective Data Management

SAP® Sybase® SQL Anywhere®, on-demand edition, gives independent software vendors (ISVs)
easy management of multitenant data architecture while providing the data security, scalability,
andcloud availability their end customers demand. The on-demand edition can be hosted in
private, public, or hybrid cloud environments. It helps you easily develop, deploy, and manage
powerful data-driven software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. Additionally, with more efficient
access to and administration of your databases, it can reduce the total cost of ownership (TCO)
of IT infrastructure andoperations related to your SaaS applications.

MAnAging thE CLOuD with SAP SybASE SQL AnywhErE, On-DEMAnD EDitiOn

Tooling for ISVs Building Software-as-a-Service
SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere, on-demand edition, is data management software designed specifically for ISVs that want to
build, deploy, and manage cloud applications. It offers unique
data management architecturecombined with innovative
self-management features that make it simple to build new
applications or adapt your existing applications to a hosted
software-as-a-service (SaaS) model. All this is done without
compromising data security and allowing each customer to
be treated as an individual, which is critical to ISV profitability.
SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere,on-demand edition, helps you to
leverage the efficiency benefits that are inherent in the cloud.
As you reengineer your applications to take advantage of the
strong market demand for SaaS, you will need to make important long-range decisions on data architecture. Typically, shared
multitenant data architecture offers scalability and simplified
management, but it has a cost:
• Lack of strongdata protection
• Inability to comply with some data governance requirements
and laws
• Inability to customize database applications on a customerby-customer basis
In addition, as an ISV, you may need to acquire or retrain your
developers on new technologies that may lack the breadth of
functionality or the flexibility of our cloud data management
With SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere,on-demand edition, we give
you an opportunity to deliver the valuable hosted services your
customers want without compromising data security or flexibility – all while leveraging the technology skills your IT people
already have.
Because ISVs are developing solutions to be used by many different organizations, you need technologies that can address
your uniquerequirements. For example, ISVs typically scale by
the number of their end customers and not by the aggregate
total number of users across all of their customers. In addition,
ISVs need to make application decisions that maintain compatibility with existing customer applications, while addressing the
future needs of their target markets.

At SAP we understand the unique challenges you facebecause
we’ve been helping ISVs deliver high-performance, data-centric
applications to their business customers for more than 20 years.
Our outstanding reputation with ISVs has led thousands of such
companies to partner with SAP, resulting in the deployment of
more than 12 million seats of SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere technologies worldwide.
Over the years we have continued to innovate to meet thechanging needs of our ISV partners. With SAP Sybase SQL
Anywhere, on-demand edition, we’ve done so again, providing
a new platform based on proven technology – one that meets
the scalability and zero management requirements of SaaS
applications without sacrificing data control or flexibility.
unSurPASSED in SECurity, fLExibiLity,
AnD MAnAgEAbiLity
The on-demand edition of SAP Sybase SQL...
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