
Páginas: 13 (3100 palabras) Publicado: 4 de enero de 2013
Ecuadorian in-service English Teacher Standards The English Language Learning Standards

Presidente de la República Rafael Correa Delgado Ministra de Educación Gloria Vidal Illingworth Viceministro de Educación Pablo Cevallos Estarellas Viceministra de Gestión Educativa Mónica Franco Pombo Subsecretaria de Fundamentos Educativos Monserrat Creamer Guillén Elaboración del documento Equipotécnico de Proyecto de Inglés Corrección de Estilo Cristina Mancero Diseño y Diagramación Pablo Fernández-Salvador Morejón Impresión Editogran Agradecimiento: Agradecemos a todos los docentes, directivos, estudiantes, padres de familia, profesionales de la comunidad educativa y/o instituciones que participaron durante el proceso de construcción de este documento. DISTRIBUCIÓN GRATUITA – PROHIBIDA SUVENTA
ADVERTENCIA mujeres y hombres. Para alcanzar este objetivo, promovemos el uso de un lenguaje que no reproduzca esquemas sexistas, y de conformidad con esta práctica preferimos emplear en nuestros dores), etc. Sólo en casos en que tales expresiones no existan, se usará la forma masculina como genérica para hacer referencia tanto a personas del sexo femenino como del masculino. Esta prácticacomunicativa, que es recomendada por la Real Academia Española en su Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas, obedece a dos razones: (a) en español es posible «referirse a colectivos mixtos a través del género gramatical masculino», y (b) es preferible aplicar «la ley l caso de utilizar expresiones tales como las y los, os/as y otras fórmulas que buscan visibilizar la presencia de ambos sexos.

Content1. Ecuadorian in-service English Teacher Standards Domains Language Culture Curriculum Development Assessment Professionalism and Ethical Commitment 2. The English Language Learning Standards Listening Reading Speaking Production Speaking Interaction Writing

Ecuadorian in-service English Teacher Standards The English Language Learning Standards

Ecuadorian in-service English TeacherStandards
The Ecuadorian in-Service English Teacher Standards are based on the document developed by the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) as the organization’s K-12 ESL Teacher Standards (2009) which is widely used in countries such as Albania, Paraguay, and the United States. This document is organized into five domains that fit with those stated for the general curriculum andof some which are related to English language teaching and learning. The first domain, “Language” includes specific domains for language structure and communication, language acquisition and development and language fluency. Given the fact that Ecuador is a multicultural country, a certain number of Ecuadorian students who are learning English may descend from indigenous cultures— where Spanish istheir second language; and English their third— the second domain is about “Culture”. Therefore, Ecuadorian English teachers need to have knowledge of other cultures and know how culture may affect their learning of English in Ecuador. The third domain is devoted to “Curriculum Development”, particularly aspects related to planning for standards-based English, implementing and managing standards,and using resources and technology effectively. The fourth domain deals with “Assessment” (i.e. the gathering and evaluation of information related to English language learning) and includes the issues involved for learners as well as those related to language proficiency and classroom-based assessment. Finally, the fifth domain embodies the matter regarding “Professionalism and Ethicalcommitment” to keep teachers current with new instructional techniques, research results, and advances in the English teaching field for professional development.


Domain 1. Language Teachers know, understand, and use the major theories and research related to the structure and acquisition of language to help English language learners’ (students’) develop language and literacy and achieve in the...
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