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Páginas: 2 (264 palabras) Publicado: 14 de octubre de 2010
Name | Examen individual de repaso de conceptos 3 |
Instructions | Contestar de manera correcta a la diferentes preguntas, abiertas, cerradas, opción múltiple, F/V, múltiples respuestas, queevalúan los concimientos  de las semanas antes mencionadas.
Tienen 3 posibles intentos y se tomará en cuenta el último intento exitoso (3 intentos en total con fallas o sin fallas tecnológicas)
No darclic en save , DAR Clic en SUBMIT al final del examen. |
Multiple Attempts | This Test allows 3 attempts. This is attempt number 2. |
Force Completion | This Test can be saved and resumed later. ||

|  Question Completion Status: |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

  Question 1 | 20 points   | Save   |
  | Appearance is  one of the 4critical goals that industrial designers can help a team  to achive when  developing new products.

| | | | |
| | True |
| False |
| | | | |

  Question 2 | 20 points   | Save   |  | The primary mission of ID is to design the aspects of a product that relate to the user; aesthetics and ergonomics
| | | | |
| | True |
| False |
| | | | |

  Question 3| 20 points   | Save   |
  | DFM is define as " the profesional service of creating  and developing  concepts and specifications that optimaze the funtion, value, and appearance of product s andsystemas for the  mutual benefit of both user and manufacture"
| | | | |
| | True |
| False |
| | | | |

  Question 4 | 20 points   | Save   |
  | DI utilizes estimates ofmanufacturing  cost to guide and prioritize cost reduction efforts. Cost estimation requires expertise with  the relevant production processes. Suppliers and manufacturing  experts must be involved inthis processes.
| | | | |
| | True |
| False |
| | | | |

  Question 5 | 20 points   | Save   |
  | DFM is an integrative  method taking place throught the development...
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