
Páginas: 5 (1179 palabras) Publicado: 7 de febrero de 2013
UANL                                                                                                                                              INGLÉS 

INGLÉS III  PORTAFOLIO DE EVIDENCIAS  SEMESTRE AGOSTO‐DICIEMBRE 2012  MODULE 1. CAUSE AND EFFECT Activity 1. Exercise 1: Put the verbs in parentheses in the correct tense. Then identify the types of conditionals, could be type 0 or 1. 1. 2.3. 4. 5. __ If you leave metal out in the rain, it ______(get) rusty. __ if you go to bed late, you __________(be) tired tomorrow. __ if you mix red and yellow paint, you ________(make) orange paint. __ if you _____(win) the competition, you get a prize. __ if she ___________(not/wear) her coat, she will catch a cold.

Exercise 2: Use the prompts to make sentences, as in the example. · · · · ·Study hard ___________________________________________________________ Pass exams __________________________________________________________ Get my degree ________________________________________________________ Get a good job ________________________________________________________ Earn a high salary _____________________________________________________

Example: Sentence 1: if I study hard, Iwill pass my exams. Sentence 2: if I pass my exams, … etc.

EXCELLENT Paper cover with the following information: Name of the school, subject, portfolio’s number, student name, group and date. Clean worksheets. Good and understandable handwriting. The exercise must be completely answered. Correct structure of conditional type 0 and 1.M.E.I. DANIEL FCO. ACOSTA GARZAPÁGINA ‐‐1‐9                           Agosto‐Diciembre de 2012 

UANL                                                                                                                                              INGLÉS 

Activity 2. Write a blog entry about your life in the future (60-80 words).

EXCELLENT Paper cover with the following information: Name of the school, subject, portfolio’s number, student name, group and date. Cleanworksheets. Good and understandable handwriting. The exercise must be completely answered. Correct structure of the simple present, present progressive and will.

M.E.I. DANIEL FCO. ACOSTA GARZAPÁGINA ‐‐2‐9                           Agosto‐Diciembre de 2012  UANL                                                                                                                                              INGLÉS 

MODULE 2. NARRATE IMPORTANT MOMENTS IN THE PAST. Activity 1. Complete the sentences using the verbs given.
spent      used to live     caught     used to make     used to get up 

When I was young we __________________ in a big house in the countryside. On summer mornings we _____________________________ early. I _______________________ breakfast for myself and creep out of the house to go fishing. I _____________________ hours fishing in a small river near to my house. Once I ______________ an enormous trout.EXCELLENT Paper cover with the following information: Name of the school, subject, portfolio’s number, student name, group and date. Clean worksheets. Good and understandable handwriting. The exercise must be completely answered. Correct structure of the simple past and the used to.

M.E.I. DANIEL FCO. ACOSTA GARZAPÁGINA ‐‐3‐9                           Agosto‐Diciembre de 2012  UANL                                                                                                                                              INGLÉS 

Activity 2. Imagine you spent your summer vacation at Morton´s campsite. Write an email telling your friend about your vacation there and invite him/her to go with you next year. (60-80 words)

EXCELLENT Paper cover with the following information: Name of theschool, subject, portfolio’s number, student name, group and date. Clean worksheets. Good and understandable handwriting. The exercise must be completely answered. Correct structure of the simple present and simple past....
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