Oral speaking

Páginas: 4 (826 palabras) Publicado: 20 de enero de 2012
1.1.1. History of Public Speaking
The first known work on the subject was written over 3000 years ago, and the principles elaborated within it were drawn from the practices and experience of oratorsin ancient Greece. In ancient Greece and Rome, the main component was rhetoric (that is, composition and delivery of speeches), and was an important skill in public and private life. Aristotle andQuintilian discussed oratory, and the subject, with definitive rules and models, was emphasised as a part of a liberal arts education during the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
The art of public speakingwas first developed by the ancient Greeks. Greek oration is known from the works of classical antiquity. Greek orators spoke as on their own behalf rather as representatives of either a client or aconstituency, and so any citizen who wished to succeed in court, in politics, or in social life had to learn techniques of public speaking. These skills were taught first by a group of self-styled"sophists" who were known to charge fees, to "make the weaker argument the stronger," and to make their students "better" through instruction in excellence. Plato, Aristotle, and Isocrates all developedtheories of public speaking in opposition to the Sophists, and their ideas took on institutional form through the development of permanent schools where public speaking was taught. Though Greeceeventually lost political sovereignty, the Greek culture of training in public speaking was adopted virtually wholesale by the Romans.
After the ascension of Rome, Greek techniques of public speaking werecopied and modified by the Romans. Under Roman influence, instruction in rhetoric developed into a full curriculum including instruction in grammar (study of the poets), preliminary exercises(progymnasmata), and preparation of public speeches (declamation) in both forensic and deliberative genres. The Latin style was heavily influenced by Cicero, and involved a strong emphasis on a broad...
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