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Páginas: 7 (1546 palabras) Publicado: 28 de junio de 2011
Temarios de Inglés correspondiente al Examen de Grado
Año Lectivo 2010 – 2011

1.- Complete the sentences in the correct form
a. Jason _____________(not drink) coffee very often
b. What time ______________________(the police office / close)?
c. I have a car, but I __________________(not use) it very often
d. What _______________________(you/do)?
e. It _______________(take) you?
2.-Complete the sentences using the following verbs. Be aware with negative forms
Believe eat go grow make rise tell translate

a. The earth ____________around the sun
b. Rice______________ in Canada
c. The sun ______________in the east
d. Bees ___________honey
e. Vegetarians ____________meat
f. An atheist _________________ in God
g. An interpreter ____________from onelanguage to another
h. A liar is someone who _______________the truth
3.- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the first conditional
a. If we don’t find alternative energy sources, we ___________________(not have) power in the future.
b. If we recycle, there ________________(be) less water
c. If we ______________________(buy) organically grown vegetables, the soil won’t be contaminatedwit fertilizer and chemicals
d. If people don’t stop polluting, the Earth _____________________(become) unfit for human life
e. If the population ______________________(continue) to grow, more natural environmental will be destroyed.
4. Complete the sentences with should, must or mustn’t.
a. You____________ forget to recycle used paper
b. You ____________ save energy by turning off lights whenyou leave a room
c. We ____________ support nature protecting organizations
d. You ___________ buy endangered animals like parrots and monkeys
5. Put the sentences in order
a. the Beatles / got / in / in Liverpool / together / 1959

b. joined / Ringo Starr / year / the group / the following____________________________________________________________

c. popular / band / 1962 / the Beatles / in Liverpool / the most / were / by

d.between / many popular / The Beatles / song / 1962 and 1966 / had


6.Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect Simple. Write Question
a. (how long / study /English) _______________________________________________________
b. (how long /be /wait) here) _______________________________________________________
c. (how many / fish / catch)_________________________________________________________
d. (how many / people / invite)______________________________________________________
e. (how long / you teach) ___________________________________________________________
7. Tag questions. Put the correct tag in each question
a. He had never met her before, _______________________________
b. I shouldn’t have lost my temper, _____________________________
c. You wouldn’t tell anyone, ___________________________________
e. Open the window,________________________________________
d. Let’s go to the movies, _____________________________________
8.- Reported Speech. Report what Robert said.
I’m living in my own apartment now
Robert said he was living in an apartment now
a. My father isn’t very well

b. Amanda and Paul are getting married next month____________________________________________________________

c. Michelle has had a baby boy

d. I don’t know what Eric is doing now

e. My car was stolen 5 days ago

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