Paragraph Structure

Páginas: 32 (7875 palabras) Publicado: 12 de diciembre de 2012
I. Introduction

1. Understand what a paragraph is.

1.1 Defining the paragraph.
1.2 Identifying the parts of a paragraph.
1.3 Identifying the function of each part.
1.4 Identifying the characteristics of a good paragraph.

2. Write correct topic sentences.

2.1Defining the topic sentence.
2.2 Identifying the controlling idea.
2.3 Writing correct topic sentences.

3. Provide adequate supporting details for a paragraph.

3.1 Defining supporting details.
3.2 Explaining the function of supporting details.
3.3 Writing relevant supporting details.

4.Write relevant concluding sentences.

4.1 Defining the concluding sentence.
4.2 Explaining the function of a concluding sentence.
4.3 Writing adequate concluding sentences.

5. Writing different types of paragraphs

5.1 Differentiating between the patterns of organization.
5.2 Writingdifferent types of paragraphs.


A paragraph can be defined as a group of sentences that support or develop one central idea. It is very important to understand that the paragraph has only one central idea, and that all the other sentences are related to this central idea.


Remember, a paragraph begins with an indentation. The paragraph should be neither tooshort (underdeveloped) nor too long (too many subtopics). Take a look at the following paragraph:

We had a terrible storm last weekend. It rained very hard, so most of the streets were flooded and many cars were left stranded for three hours. The nearby river flooded the downtown section. Some people were forced to abandon their homes or businesses and take refuge in the shelterthat was opened on Main Street. Furthermore, the wind blew up to 60 miles an hour, and trees were knocked down. One tall oak tree hit a main power supply line and blacked out the whole town for more than four hours. My neighborhood was not flooded; however, because of the strong wind, the streets were full of knocked down tree branches and other debris. It was the worst storm since I moved tothis town.

The paragraph has one central idea: The terrible storm. The rest of the sentences are related to this central idea.


A good paragraph has:

· One central idea
· Unity
· Coherence
· Adequate development

Central idea: This central idea is often called the topic sentence. It’s the idea that controlsthe paragraph.

How to arrive at a central idea:

a) Choose a subject
b) Limit your subject: Limiting your subject means focusing on one single idea, one topic.

Example: Subject: Christmas
You cannot write a paragraph about Christmas. The topic is too broad. Therefore, you will have to focus on one aspect, one topic.

Limiting: You could write about one ofthe following topics:

a) How your family celebrates Christmas, or
b) Why you enjoy Christmas, or
c) Why you hate Christmas

Your paragraph will then focus on one of the limited ideas.

Unity: To be effective, a paragraph needs unity. In other words, all sentences within the paragraph must be related to the central idea. Take another look at theparagraph about the terrible storm.

We had a terrible storm last weekend. It rained very hard, so most of the streets were flooded and many cars were left stranded for three hours. The nearby river flooded the downtown section. Some people were forced to abandon their homes or businesses and take refuge in the shelter that was opened on Main Street. Furthermore, the wind blew up to 60...
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