Partes Del Vocabulario Ingles

Páginas: 18 (4310 palabras) Publicado: 4 de julio de 2012
Universidad Tecnologica de Ciudad Juarez

English 3


Edwin Montes Trinidad

Parts of Speech

The parts of speech
This is a summary of the 8 parts of speech, this are the parts to make a sentence or questions or an oration.
|part of speech |function or "job" |example words |example sentences|
|Verb |action or state |(to) be, have, do, like,| is a web site. Ilike |
| | |work, sing, can, must | |
|Noun |thing or person |pen, dog, work,music, |This is my dog. He lives in myhouse. We live in London. |
| | |town, London, teacher, | |
| | |John | |
|Adjective|describes a noun |a/an, the, 69, some, |My dog is big. I like big dogs. |
| | |good, big, red, well, | |
| | |interesting ||
|Adverb |describes a verb, adjective |quickly, silently, well,|My dog eats quickly. When he isvery hungry, he eats reallyquickly.|
| |or adverb |badly, very, really | |
|Pronoun |replaces a noun |I, you, he, she, some |Tara isIndian. She is beautiful. |
|Preposition |links a noun to another word|to, at, after, on, but |We went to school on Monday. |
|Conjunction |joins clauses or sentences |and, but, when |I like dogs and I like cats. I like cats and dogs. I like |
| |or words ||dogs but I don't like cats. |
|Interjection |short exclamation, sometimes|oh!, ouch!, hi!, well |Ouch! That hurts! Hi! How are you? Well, I don't know. |
| |inserted into a sentence | | |

• Verbsmay be treated as two different parts of speech:
o Lexical Verbs (work, like, run)
o Auxiliary Verbs (be, have, must)

The verbs are the actions executed by the noun in a sentenceof which there are two types regular and irregular verbs, the regurlar verbs in pst the termination is ed, and the irregular verbs have variations , depending the verb, this is a list ofregular e irregular verbs in base,simplepast and past participle. A.



|A |B |C |D |E |
| || | | |
|account |babies  |cabbage |dad |ear |
|achiever |baby  |cable |daughter |earth |
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