Peron Vs Stalin

Páginas: 8 (1960 palabras) Publicado: 18 de febrero de 2013
|Who opposed him? |The Church (especially after the |Some of the young, the Church, |The Kulaks, industrial |
| |death of Eva), the Army (1950s), the |other political parties and the |workers/experts who weren’t|
||Supreme Court (1947), nationalists |army (especially when the tide |good. They were the ones |
| |(during the second term), landowners,|turned against Germany in WWII). |responsible for reaching |
| |intellectuals, trade unions (during | |the industrial target. |
||the second term), Media (during the | |Also, ordinary party |
| |second term) + the other political | |members, old Bolshevik |
| |parties, especially the Radical Party| |leaders. |
| || |By 1937-38: 50% of the top |
| | | |officers in the red army |
| | | |were purged. Great mistake |
| || |that condemned Stalin for |
| | | |WWII. Forced him to sign a |
| | | |pact with Hitler. |
| || |Anybody who opposed Stalin |
| | | |could become a victim. By |
| | | |1939, there where 2,000,000|
| || |victims. |
|Why? |The Church: |The Church: | |
| |Perón attacked the position of the |Different reasons for opposing | |
| |Church in education and welfare and|Hitler | |
| |legalized the divorce and |As an institution didn’t oppose | |
| |prostitution (mid 1954) |Hitler, there were particular | |
| |Peronists demanded the canonization |cases ofpriests. Also the | |
| |of Eva and the church didn’t agree. |relationship between the Catholic | |
| |The Church saw Peronist charity as a |Church and the Regime got worse | |
| |threat to their own position in |when they implementednew “laws” | |
| |society |(euthanasia program). | |
| |There was a violent anticlerical |The army: | |
| |campaign (1954-55) |1938, General Beck. He wanted...
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