Plan de comida

Páginas: 11 (2606 palabras) Publicado: 24 de mayo de 2010

The purpose of a management plan is to keep food safe food served at his restaurant. The first step is to develop standard operating procedures (SOPs, for its acronym in English) for the safe handling of foods that include personal hygiene, design development, choice of suppliers, cleaning and disinfection, maintenance of equipment and training employees. The nextstep is to develop procedures for food handling would be controlled to specify how the five factors most commonly implicated in foodborne diseases. These risk factors, as defined by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, for its acronym in English) are:
• Foods that come from dubious and non-approved providers - Do not buy food from suppliers regulated by the state.
•Inappropriate handling of time and temperature - keep food between 41oF (5 oC) and 135o F (57o C) for more than four hours.
• poor personal hygiene - for example, employees who do not wash their hands properly, coughing or sneezing over food, to be touched or scratched skin lesions, wounds and pimples or employees who report to work sick.
• Inadequate cooking - Do not cook food to recommended internaltemperature.
• Cross-Contamination When transferring microorganisms from one food to another area or (o).

Active Monitoring
To maintain the safety of food in its restaurant, active monitoring should be proactive rather than reactive. This means that you must develop and implement a food handling to ensure the safety of foods that are served to customers. To do this you need:
• Identifyprocedures for safe handling of food and SOPs to maintain safe and hygienic food.
• Monitor all procedures to ensure that employees are being followed correctly.
• Verify that the procedures followed are controlling the risk factors mentioned above.
• Train employees with the appropriate SOPs and practices of safe food handling.

What is HACCP?
The Hazard Analysis and Critical ControlPoints (HACCP, for its acronym in English) is a systematic way to identify, assess and control factors that threaten the integrity of food in their establishment. These factors can be biological, chemical or physical illness or accidents that cause if not controlled. HACCP prevents hazards to food safety rather than reacting to them. A HACCP plan is a plan that must be written specifically for themenu, customers, equipment, processes and operations of the restaurant.

When do you need a HACCP plan?
Not all restaurants need to have a HACCP plan. If your establishment you: vacuum-packed food, served raw meat, packaged fresh orange juice, freshly grilled seafood directly from a tank, or cured or smoked meat to preserve it, then you need to have a HACCP program. You may also need a HACCP Planto prepare other foods such as rice for sushi. The health department in your area can tell you if you need a HACCP plan for other dishes served in their establishment.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs, for its acronym in English)
Standard Operating Procedures must exist before starting the development of a HACCP plan. SOPs focus on employees, the establishment and equipment. At least itsestablishment SOPs should include the following:
• Regulation in case of illness.
• Methods of cleaning and disinfection (disinfection).
• Removal of waste
• Pest Control
• Design of the establishment and equipment selection.
• Personnel hygiene.

Implementation of a HACCP plan:
To develop a HACCP plan is necessary to meet seven stages. Each of these stages are discussed indetail here.

1. Conduct a hazard analysis. At this stage, identify the hazards associated with each of the dishes on the menu. First, you should prepare a flow chart that describes all the steps in handling and preparing food, or income from the origin of the ingredients to service the plate. Make a list of potential hazards associated with each step. Identify how to prevent a danger at every...
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