Planificacion $To Basico

Páginas: 16 (3966 palabras) Publicado: 28 de junio de 2012
Lesson Plan Nº: 1 School: Colegio Inmaculada Concepción. Type of school: | Grade/Class: Kindergarten Level of English: Beginners Coursebook Unit: 2 | Number of Ss: 30 F 16 / 14 M Age Group: 5 | Date of lesson:10/05/2012 | Time of lesson: Thursday 11:00- 11:45 Length of lesson:45 minutes | Student-Teacher’s name: Miss. Nataly AsencioSchool Teacher’s name: Miss. EvelynMorales | Personal Aim: * To improve my teaching skills. * To be connected with my students. * To enjoy teaching. |
Main Aim: * At the end of the lesson students will be able to remember and practice simple class instructions. | Prior knowledge: * Students know different classroom instructions in their own mother tongue. * Students understand the importance of followinginstructions. |
Subsidiary aims: * Students will develop listening comprehension and memory. * Students will listen respectfully to the teacher as the value of the month says. (RESPECT) * Students will work cooperatively when answering questions, singing and competing. | |
| Aids: * Board * Books * Stickers |
Target Language: (Linguistics CONTENTS: form, meaning,pronunciation). * Vocabulary related to classroom instructions: raise your hand, sit down, stand up, wave hello, wave good bye, and say your name. | 1. |
Anticipated Problems …..and possible solutionsChildren might not understand the instructions, so I will show them the action with games and songs. | Approach: * Lexical Approach. *Communicative Approach |

Stages | What I (T) am going to do and say | What Learners are going to do and say | Interaction patterns/ Groupings | Time (min) |
INTRO | Activation Minutes | I will say: SURPRISEEE!!... we sing hello song, and “Monkey, Monkey” | Students say hello, sing the hello song and then we act Monkey, Monkey | The whole class | 8 minutes |
| PRE |I will ask about last class, making simple and easy questions. | Students answer questions taking turns. | Whole class/individual answers. | 6 minutes |
DEVELOPMEN | WHILE | I will show some flashcards with the classroom instructions and then give the instructions for activity 1, page 16. | Kids pay attention to the flashcards and then they open their books in page 16, and following theinstructions students will glue the stickers in the order the teacher calls. | Individual work | 10 minutes |
| | COMPETITION: I will say instructions only for boys, and the instructions only for girls. When they do it correctly, they get a point. | Boys and Girls play against each other in groups following classroom instructions. When they answer correctly, they get a point. At the end we allcount the points and see who wins. | The whole class | 10 minutes |
| POST | GAME; I will control the next activity and give the instructions: “Simon Says” | Students stand up, and participate in the new activity following the instructions given by the teacher. | The whole class | 10 minutes |
CLOSURE | I will sing goodbye song. | Kids will join me and sing good bye song, waving goodbye. | The whole class | 1 minute |

Lesson Plan Nº: 2 School: Colegio Inmaculada Concepción. Type of school: | Grade/Class: Kindergarten Level of English: Beginners Coursebook Unit: 2 | Number of Ss: 30 F 16 / 14 M Age Group: 5 | Date of lesson:17/05/2012 | Time of lesson: Thursday 11:00- 11:45 Length of lesson:45 minutes | Student-Teacher’s name: Miss. NatalyAsencioSchool Teacher’s name: Miss. Evelyn Morales | Personal Aim: * To improve my teaching skills. * To be connected with my students. * To enjoy teaching. |
Main Aim: * At the end of the lesson students will be able to… | Prior knowledge: * Students know different actions and objects related to personal care in their own mother tongue. * Students understand the importance of...
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