Por muchos anhios

Páginas: 3 (606 palabras) Publicado: 21 de noviembre de 2011
For many centuries’ law and drug enforcement officers have been fighting a war on drugs. This is not your typical marijuana, cocaine, or heroin. Gamma hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) is said to beresponsible for “The Perfect Crime” as described in Suzanne Smalley’s essay.
GHB is a drug that can be described as “The Perfect Crime.” Despite the perfect crime means not getting caught. Prosecutors suchas “Timothy Wash” and Christopher Frisco” which were prosecutors in “The Perfect Crime” do not have the easiest of jobs when it comes to a GHB case. Only being able to prosecute a handful of GHBcriminals many do not get charged with rape. Prosecutors can only hope they can get a “Toxicological Evidence” report to have a solid case.
GHB works by attacking the victims “Central Nervous System”according to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). When a high dose is taken “Acoma” is not uncommon. Taking an overdose level of GHB can be life threatening according to the “DEA in the year 2000 therewas 71 deaths” due to GHB over dose. GHB can remain in the body for up to “6 to 12 hours.” There are a few variables that have different reactions when the drug is taken. One is how much of the drug istaken or how strong the GHB is. There is also the possibility of it being mixed with alcohol that can change or create a different chemical reaction to the drug. Although in “The Perfect Crime”“Patricia White” (a victim of GHB) was handed a bottle of water from her boss that had GHB in it. Some of the drugs variables are that it can be odorless, colorless, and in some cases tasteless. In “ThePerfect Crime” Patricia clams that the bottle of water he boss handed her tasted “salty.”
This drug was introduced in “1994” as is becoming more frequently used within time. At that time “SubstanceAbuse and Mental Health Services Administration” had reported more than fifty visits to the hospital due to GHB. In 2001 the number increased astonishingly from about fifty victims to almost 3,400...
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