Portafolio De Ingles 3 Semestre Uanl

Páginas: 3 (620 palabras) Publicado: 22 de enero de 2013
PORTAFOLIO 3 DE INGLES | noviembre 16

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1. - Read thefollowing text about rules at a school in Canada.
Every culture has a different approach toward behavior, respect and discipline, including what is considered proper — and improper — at school. InCanada, your child will have to follow a set of rules that all students, regardless of grade or age, are expected to adhere to. If your children do not abide by these basics, then they can expect tobe disciplined for it, and the school will contact you if it becomes a persistent problem. Breaking school rules repeatedly can lead to detention, suspension and even expulsion. So make sure yourchildren are clear on the following: Students must be on time and present for all their classes. Students will not speak in a disrespectful or insulting manner toward fellow students or teachers. Smoking,drugs and drinking and violence are strictly prohibited on school grounds. Physical or sexual assault (this can include hitting, spitting, slapping, punching, groping, etc.) will not be tolerated. Theschool reserves the right to call police in these instances and your child could face criminal charges as a result. Students must not bring weapons to any illicit materials to school (knives, guns,pornographic materials, etc.). Stealing or vandalizing school property is also not tolerated. Also, from the school’s end, teachers and administration must also follow a set of rules. Know thatteachers cannot: Verbally abuse or demean students physically come into contact with students (grabbing, hitting or holding students is not tolerated) Make physical or verbal sexual advances (implied orotherwise) at students Make sure your kids know this, too, and that they report out-of-line behavior to you if it does occur.
2. - According to the information in the text about rules in a Canadian...
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