Pre implantacion de diagnostico

Páginas: 2 (365 palabras) Publicado: 16 de mayo de 2011
It refers to procedures that are performed on embryos prior to implantation, sometimes even on oocytes prior to fertilization. PGD is considered another way to prenatal diagnosis. Its main advantageis that it avoids selective pregnancy termination as the method makes it highly likely that the baby will be free of the disease under consideration.
PGD has raised ethical issues. In one hand, thetechnique can be used to determine the gender of the embryo, and thus can be used to select embryos of one gender in preference of the other in the context of “family balancing”. It may be possible tomake other "social selection" choices in the future. While controversial, this approach is less destructive than fetal deselection during the pregnancy. Costs are substantial and insurance coveragemay not be available. Thus PGD widens the gap between people who can afford the procedure versus a majority of patients who may benefit but cannot afford the service.
In the other Hand, PGD has thepotential to screen for genetic issues unrelated to medical necessity. The prospect of a “designer baby” is closely related to the PGD technique.
Currently the science making progress and improve ourway of life, is perfect that everybody can born without some hereditary disease like cancer or sexually transmitted diseases, in this way PID is wonderful but we know this is not only the benefits fromPGD and here is the question is ethical or moral will to choose as our son? Humans are able to choose as your child will be like making custom furniture? When you have a son, is a difficult decisionand you have to have many responsibilities and time to educate and bring up your child, and maybe you can choose who want to raise.

In conclusion this is an improvement of science to eliminatehereditary diseases that kill many people's lives and who still today have not really found medicines that can stop this. Because if you know you cross a pedestrian crossing with a red light can...
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