Procesamiento De Señales

Páginas: 23 (5733 palabras) Publicado: 4 de mayo de 2012
Kenneth W. Schachter

Senior Member of the Technical Staff

The World Leader in DSP Solutions
[1] Hello. My name is Ken Schachter and I’m a senior member of the technical staff. Welcome to An Intuitive Approach to Digital Signal Processing.

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“Something in it for everyone”

Very Familiar with the Topic

Serve as a review == Show a technique to help explain abstract anddifficult concepts to others To help become more knowledgeable and show the value in understanding the fundamental concepts


Less Familiar with the Topic

[2] I realize that some of you may be very familiar with this topic. For that group, I’ll like this to serve as a review. Better yet, if I can give you a technique to explain this to other people with less experience in this signalprocessing area, then I’ve accomplished my task for that group. Those who are less familiar with this topic, I would like to spark your interest to learn more on your own.

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After completing this course, you will be able to:
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Define signal processing and related terms Explain the relationship between time and frequency domain Explain the Sampling Theorem Describecomponents of a Digital Signal Processing System Recognize general signal processing applications

[3] After completing this course, you should be able to define signal processing and related terms; explain the relationship between time and frequency domain; explain the sampling theorem; describe components of a digital signal processing system; and recognize general signal processing applications.Page 3

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Introduction Signal Fundamentals Signal Processing System Signal Processing Applications
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Filtering Spectral Analysis Other Topics



[4] The outline of this course consists of an introduction; signal fundamentals; signal processing system; signal processing applications; and a summary.

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Introduction Signal FundamentalsSignal Processing System Signal Processing Applications
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Filtering Spectral Analysis Other Topics



[5] In the introduction section we will cover the general terms that are used in signal processing.

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Digital Signal Processing Signal Processing and Signal Processor The Signal Analog and Digital Signals Digitized Signals and Digital Data Real-Timeand Non Real-Time

[6] We’ll start with a definition of digital signal processing; then look at the differences between signal processing and processors. We’ll take a look at the signal itself; discuss analog and digital signals; digitized signals and digitized data; and the relationship between real time and non-real time.

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A method of processing real-world signals (represented by asequence of numbers) using mathematical techniques to perform transformations or extract information

[7] One can define digital signal processing a method of processing real world signals (represented by a sequence of numbers) using mathematical techniques to perform transformations or extract information.

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Signal ProcessING

Scientific and mathematical concepts A deviceor system which performs signal processing


Signal ProcessOR

[8] Signal processing or signal processors – two words that are sometimes used interchangeably. However, signal processing is nothing more than the scientific and mathematical concepts, where a processor is a device or a system that performs processing.

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a(t) = A sin(ωt + ϕ) ω = 2π f f=1/T

Ananalog signal is a function that is defined over a continuous range of time and in which the amplitude may have a continuous range of values A digital signal is a function in which both time and amplitude will have discrete quantized finite values


[9] Let’s look at the signal. This is a real world signal. It happens to be a simple sine wave. It’s found every day in life. It has some...
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