
Páginas: 2 (349 palabras) Publicado: 5 de marzo de 2011
Periods of Italian Art
The long history of Italian art has had a lot of artists with different styles in different ages that are cataloged according to their characteristics in periods, such as theTrecento, the Quattrocento, the Cinquecento, the Seicento and the Settecento. One example of the main characteristics of one period (the Trecento) that the painting of theperiod shows many simple leaflets and using gold leaf to represent the character of God. The characters still are not located in landscapes where there is a prospect, so the artists can not easily make sense of depth in the longscenes. The art is still that of the middle Ages, for that the only basis of representation come from Christian mythology.
Important Italian painters
Italy is the home of the greatest painters of theworld such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti and Raffaelo Sanzio well known as “the traditional trinity of great masters”. Leonardo Da Vinci was the most important person in therenaissance period, and he is considerate the greatest painter and the most talented person of all time. Leonardo painted The Mona Lisa and the Last Supper which are paintings in oil. Furthermore, he improveda unique style of painting. Besides his paintings, Leonardo left us detailed drawings of the human anatomy, plans for tanks and helicopters, and he designed ideas for multilevel canal and roads.Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) was a renaissance painter, sculptor, architect and engineer. His most influential creations are the scenes from genesis and the Last Judgment on the altar wall of theSistine Chapel in Rome (Sistine Chapel ceiling). In addition, the consuls of Guild of Wool asked Michelangelo to make the statue of David. Raffaelo Sanzio (1483-1520) better known as Raphael was apainter and architect of the renaissance period. Raphael best known work is The school of Athens in the Vatican. Besides, Raphael painted the Marriage of the Virgin with Perugino.
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