Project Management

Páginas: 2 (463 palabras) Publicado: 4 de diciembre de 2012

Why is important to do a detailed job of needs identification?

1. Is important for the product or service to be successful in the market.

Describe a situation in yourlife in which you performed needs identifications.

2. There are many types of needs, eg the need for a transport to move from one place to another. Currently other type of need is to have a computerto do activities of daily life for instance for projects and tasks.
Why is it important to select the right project before you begin working?

3.raise the project is very important to be sure thateverything will be perfect and to not waste time correcting errors after.
Describe how a business selects which projects to work on when there are numerouse projects that could be done
4. Thecompany selects the project more viable and more profitable.
Give examples of situation in which a business might develop a request for proposal.

5. For example, when the company can finance theproject and there are changes in the markets.
Give examples of situation in which an individual might develop a request for proposal.
6. Make offers to suppliers so that they have better benefits and morethe new product demand.

7. What should be contained in a statement of work?
The RFP must provide a statement of work (SOW). SOW deals with the scope of the project, outlining the tasks or workelements the customer wants the contractor or project team to perform.
8. What is meant by customer requirements? Why must they be precise?
The RFP must include the customer requirements, whichdefine specifications and attributes. Requirements cover physical or operational parameters the contractor´s proposed solution must satisfy. Some requirements address performance. They may also be used asacceptance criteria by customer.
9. Why would a customer give contractors instructions in the RFP to submit their proposals according to a standard format?
Because the customer wants the best for...
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