Proyecto Educativo Kinder Pyp

Páginas: 3 (531 palabras) Publicado: 22 de mayo de 2012
|[pic] |Who we are |How we express ourselves |How we organize |Sharing the planet |Where we are in time and Place |How the world works|
| | | |ourselves | | ||
| | |An inquiry into the ways in | | |An inquiry into orientation in ||
| |An inquiry into the nature |which we discover and |An inquiry into the |An inquiry into rights and |place and time;personal |An inquiry into natural world and its|
| |of the self; beliefs and |express ideas, feelings, |interconnectedness of |responsibilities in the struggle |histories;homes and journeys; |laws; the interaction between the |
| |values; personal, physical,|nature, culture, beliefs and|human-made systems and |to share finite resources with|the discoveries, explorations |natural world (physical and |
| |mental, social and |values; the ways in which we|communities; the |other people and withother |and migrations of humankind; |biological) and human societies; how |
| |spiritual health; human |reflect on, extend and enjoy|structure and function |livingthings; communities and of|the relationships between and |humans use their understanding of |
| |relationships including |our creativity; our |of organizations;|the relationships within and |the interconnectedness of |scientific principles; the impact of |
| |families, friends, |appreciation of the |societal...
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