Proyecto Intercon

Páginas: 16 (3832 palabras) Publicado: 13 de julio de 2011
Concurso de Proyectos - INTERCON - 2010

AUTORES: Josué Raymond Meza Pinares, Freddy Alonso Fernández Málaga, Igor Hugo Zeballos Paz, Dennys Bladimir Velasquez Coila, ASESORES: Ing. Lucy Delgado Barra, Ing. Marco Gutierrez Aguilar,
Programa Profesional de Ingeniería Electrónica Facultad De Ciencias e Ingenierías Físicas Y Formales Universidad Católica de Santa María Arequipa - Perú Palabras clave: Memoria, Inteligencia, Robot, Estimulación, Visión Artificial, Algoritmo, Matlab, Zigbee. Abstract: This study proposes an alternative interaction between achild and a mobile robot having as its objective to motivate and help the child to practice and develop their memory and intelligence. It is for this reason that this job stimulates children from 4 to 6 years achieving the development and memory capacity, recognition, and intelligence. In this case, the interactive game child – robot is used to stimulate the memory by mnemonics by using a squarepanel with 3 different colors: red, blue, and yellow. These colors are recognized by an artificial vision system which is comprised of a webcam. These signals are sent to a processing system where they are subjected to pixel detection algorithms in the program Matlab in order to detect the location of the object to move to. After determining the coordinates for the location, the signals are sentvia radio frequencies which are implemented by the Zigbee protocol. These signals are detected by the robot and according to the coordinates the robot decides and directs itself to an initial location. To achieve this objective the robot decides a second random position achieving the child-robot interaction where the child places the first position and the robot runs into another position then therobot picks another random position and the child has to remember the first and the second position and decide another location then the robot locates the last position that the child chose and randomly chooses another and so on until we can infer the child’s memory level. We took a group of 12 children between the ages of 4 and 6 and divided them into three groups of four children of each age. Theevaluation was made to establish the baseline which took into account the number of movements and colors chosen by both the child and the robot. We noted that the children 6 years old showed a better understanding of the mnemonic exercise and achieved a breakthrough in remembering the movements and colors while the children ages 4 and 5 showed greater difficulties Key words: Memory, Intelligence,Robot, Stimulation, Artificial vision, Algorithm, Matlab, Zigbee. ID: PT-ELC-002
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Resumen: Este estudio propone una alternativa interactiva entre un niño y un robot móvil teniendo como objetivo motivar y ayudar al niño a ensayar, practicar y desarrollar su memoria e inteligencia. Es por ello que éste trabajo, estimula a niños de 4 a 6 años, logrando desarrollar su capacidad dememoria, reconocimiento e inteligencia. En este caso el juego interactivo niño – robot, para estimular la memoria le denominaremos estrategia mnemotécnica, empleando un panel cuadriculado de 9 recuadros de tres diferentes colores: rojo, azul amarillo. Los mismos que serán reconocidos por un sistema de visión artificial el cual esta comprendida por una cámara webcam, éstas señales son enviadas alsistema de procesamiento donde fueron implementados algoritmos de detección de pixeles en el programa Matlab para poder detectar la ubicación del objeto a moverse, al determinar la coordenada de ubicación se envían señales por medio de radio frecuencias implementadas con el protocolo Zigbee, éstas señales son detectadas por el robot y según a la coordenada el robot decide y se dirige a una posición...
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