Páginas web

Páginas: 4 (815 palabras) Publicado: 29 de noviembre de 2010
1)Usted es ciudadano estadounidense o residente permanente legal y está solicitando traer a sus hijos a vivir a los EEUU
Sí usted es ciudadano estadounidense o residente permanente legal y la madredel niño(a), deberá completar los siguientes documentos con el Servicio de Inmigración y Naturalización (INS):
• Formulario Form I-130 Solicitud de un Pariente Extranjero.
• Certificado denacimiento del ciudadano estadounidense (copia), o certificado de naturalización o ciudadanía, o la tarjeta de registro de extranjero (alien registration card o "green card") del residente permanentelegal.
• Copia del certificado de nacimiento del niño(a) que muestre el nombe de la madre y el de su hijo(a).

Fees are charged for the following services:
• Filing an immigrant Petition forAlien Relative, form I-130
• Processing an immigrant visa application, for DS-230. (see Note below)
• Reviewing an I-864, I-864W or I-864EZ Affidavit of Support (for petitions filed in theU.S.).
• Medical examination and required vaccinations (costs vary from place to place).
• Fingerprinting fees, if applicable.
• Other costs may include translation and photocopying charges, feesfor getting the documents you need for the immigrant visa application (such as passport, police certificates, birth certificates, etc.) and travel expenses to go to the embassy or consulate for theinterview. Costs vary from country to country and case to case.
For current fees for Department of State government services, select Fees.
Note: Fees must be paid for each intending immigrantregardless of age, and are not refundable. Fees should not be sent to the consular office unless requested specifically.

Paying Fees to the National Visa Center

Follow these important steps when payingthe Affidavit of Support and immigrant visa processing fees:
• Do not pay the bill until the NVC tells you to do so
• Follow the fee payment instructions on NVC's Immigrant Visa Processing...
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