Que Elementos Quimicos Son Importantes Para El Buen Funcionamiento De Nuestro Cuerpo?

Páginas: 2 (316 palabras) Publicado: 1 de diciembre de 2012
1-Mantener limpio el salón de clases.
2-Traer a clases el material de trabajo completo.
3-Ser respetuoso con las participaciones de
los demás.
4-Cuando es necesario salir del aula tiene quepedir permiso.
5-Llegar al salón puntual.
6-Portar el uniforme correcto y completo.
7-Entregar a tiempo y en forma los trabajos.
8-No bullying.

Esc.Sec.Gral.Mat. No.28
“Profa. Dominga Márquez yMárquez”
Av. M.H. 3442 Col. Francisco Villa
Frida Maciel Pulido Mendoza #26
Grade: 3 Group: B Subject: English class
 Teacher’s name: Vlady Valenzuela LópezREGLAMENTO INTERNO INGLES

1-Keeping clean the classroom, this includes floors, Windows and more.

2-The correct use of class material is necesary our class material clean andorderly. It´s the students obligation to always bring to class the necesary material. Respect the material of others.

3-Be respectful with others, do not interrupt, pay attention, positivecomments, no physical or verbal aggression.

4- When it's necessary to leave the classroom student must ask for permission. Don't abuse permissions. No Skipping class. Enter and leave the classroom in anorderly.

5- Come to the classroom punctual, be in conditions to work at the appointed time, to attend in regular way to the class avoid as much as possible being absent.

6- It´s the studentsobligation to come to school with the complete and clean uniform, acording to the school regulation and the schedule. Being careful with personal hygiene is very important :

Make up (avoid)Painted nails
Pluck out eye brows
No piercing
Any alteration to the uniform
Correct hair cut and style

7- It´s the students obligation completeand turn in homework or classroom in a timely and orderly manner. Being always (careful) of the presentation your work.

8-Report any type of manifestation of bullying to the school authorities.
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