receta-ingles-español (para editar)

Páginas: 2 (357 palabras) Publicado: 9 de mayo de 2013
Yaz: hello to all who see our program, this day with us and Luis Nayeli chefs, people have sent letters saying that prepare something simple and tell us what we can prepare today?
Nayeli: Goodafternoon, this day _____________ prepare delicious...
Luis: of course, because they prepare ____________ and who would not love to _____________?
Yaz: Well and you think if we start, can we can saythe ingredients?
Nayeli: Sure, the ingredients are:
Luis: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Sure, all these ingredients are verynutritious, but rest assured that this is not over now go to the procedure, companion ...
Nayeli: clear the procedure is the FOLLOWING:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Yaz: mmmm that’s staying rich
Luis: Yes, this is very simple to prepare and is delicious enough to share it with the whole family
Yaz: I'm fine ... Well andthat's how we got to the end of the program, thank you for allowing us one more day to enter their homes, hope and has them being delicious the _________, See you tomorrow in another episode of''more'' COOKING, bye’
Nayeli and Luis: Goodbye’
yaz: hola a todos los que ven nuestro programa, el día de hoy nos acompañan los chefs Nayeli y Luis, las personas han mandado cartas diciendoque preparen algo sencillo y digan nos ¿que nos pueden preparar el día de hoy?
Nayeli: Buenas tardes el día de hoy prepararemos _____________ deliciosa ...
Luis: claro que sí, porque prepararemos____________y es que ¿a quién no le encanta _____________?
Yaz: Bueno y que les parece si comenzamos, ¿nos pueden decir los ingredientes?
Nayeli: Claro que si, los ingredientes son:
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