Resumen Del Articulo

Páginas: 4 (885 palabras) Publicado: 10 de diciembre de 2012
Eleonora Pons
6th grade


What is Science?a) Learning about the world

We always think those scientists are the one that are cover with paper, doing tons of tests and surrounded by experiments. Anyone who tries to learn something about thenatural world is a scientist.
Science: science is a way of learning about the natural world. Scientist wants to know why, how, or when something occurred.

Asking questions

Scientist asks manyquestions about. How do things work? What do thinks look like? What are the made of? Why something does take place? But Science does not respond all. Questions about certain things like art, politics,personal preferences, or morality cannot be answer by Science. Science cannot tell you about what is wrong or right, good or bad. That is a personal choice.

Possible explanations

Asking questionswith the information that is available to respond them is the way to get the answers. The information can change and the explanations will change with the new information available. People will neverknow everything about the world around them, some things are always changing and new things are being discovered all the time.

Scientific Theories

An attempt to explain a pattern observedrepeatedly in the natural world is called a Scientific Theory. Theories are supported by observations and results from many investigations. Theories can change base on the information available, newinformation will add new observations and change or modified theories.

Scientific laws

A rule that describes a pattern in nature is a scientific law. For something to become a law need to be observedrepeatedly. The law will stand until there is something that does not fit into it. Law help you predict and expect certain things. Laws will not explain you when or why something happens. It simply...
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