Resumen Guerra Fria; Ingles

Páginas: 2 (475 palabras) Publicado: 9 de mayo de 2012
The Cold War
The Cold War was a period of tension and subdued hostility which gripped most of the world between the 1940s and the early 1990s. The primary actors in the Cold War were the UnitedStates and its allies, countered by Russia and countries aligned with that nation. Rather than engaging in a potentially devastating out and out war, the countries involved in the Cold War jockeyed forposition in more subtle ways. Many major events in global history including the rise of the Berlin Wall and the Cuban Missile Crisis were related to the Cold War.
The Cold War has its roots in theSecond World War, when the Allied powers made an uneasy pact with Russia to defeat Germany and Italy. The Allied countries were concerned about joining forces with a Communist nation, and Russia waslikewise hesitant about the agreement. After the Second World War, Germany was divided into territories occupied by the Allies and Russia, and the relationship started to go sour shortly after that.
Fromthe point of view of the West, Communist was a dangerous idea. Russia had firm control of Eastern Europe, but the Allies and the United States in particular hoped to prevent the spread of Communismthrough containment. The West was also concerned about the potential for conversion in developing nations in Africa, Asia, and South America. The West heavily controlled regions which bordered Communistcountries, and sent a variety of spies across the borders to gather information about Communist regimes. In addition, both Communists and Westerners engaged in wars on other ground, such as in Koreaand Vietnam, in an attempt to gain the upper hand.
Russia and allied nations such as China, on the other hand, wanted to protect themselves and the Communist nations that they were allied with. Thedivision between Communist Eastern Europe and the West was called the “Iron Curtain,” due to the difficulty in crossing it, thanks to Communist officials trying to keep citizens in and Westerners...
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