
Páginas: 7 (1643 palabras) Publicado: 29 de marzo de 2012
1. Steps In scientific method
dependent variable: he observed result of the independent variable being manipulated.
independent variable: variable representing the value being manipulated or changed

2. Define ecosistem and the biotic and abiotic components that make it up.
Ecosistem: Ecosystem (communities/biotic + physical enviorment/abiotic), terrestial and aquaticecosystems.
Biotic: living things. (bacteria, fungi, Worms)
Abiotics: non living things (nutrients, soil tide, amount of wind or sunlight)

3. know the different types of interactions between species.
Competition: when 2 species try to ocuppy the same ecological niche - there role In ecosystems. (animals)
Predation: predators eats prey (coyote – rabbit)
Symbiosis:relationship between 2 species
Parasitism | Survive | Harm | Bacteria |
Commensualism | Survive | Neutral | Barnicles in a whale |
Mutualism | Survive | Survive | Bees and flower |

4. know the diff. Tropic levels found in ecosystem.
1) Producers / autotrophs: produce their own food (plants)
2) Consumers / heterotrphs: consume food
a. Primary: animals thateat plants = hervivores (rabbit)
b. Secondary: animals that eat primary consumers = carnivores (bird, hawk)
c. Terciary: animals that eats a secondary consumer (humans)
3) Omnivores: animals that feed on both; plants and animals. (humans)
4) Decomposers: bacteria or fungi that break down inorganic matter (mushrooms)
5)Detririus: decomposed matter in the water or soil, deadorganisms. (eathworms)

5. know structure and function of ATP molecule.
aminoacids make up proteins: aa + aa + aa + glucose = proteins
ATP = ADP + energy + P
ATP is necessary for:
- muscle conraction
- nerve conduction
- protein synthesis

6. Know process and products of photosynthesis
Photosynthesis – anaerobic
energy + 6CO3 + 6H2O = 6O2 + C6H12O6
* Producers carry out photosynthesis
* It takes place in the chloroplast, in the thylokoid membrane(light), stroma (dark)
Light phase | Dark Phase |
Reactants: | Products: | Reactants: | Products: |
- Sunlight | - ATP | - ATP | C6H12O6 |- H2O | - O2- NADPH + H | NADPH + H | |
| | - CO2 | |

7. overall reaction of celullar respiration, where it takes place and enery yield.
Cellular Respiration – aerobic
6O2 + C6H12O6 = energy + 6CO3 + 6H2O
It takes place in the mitochondria
1. Prep. Reactions
2. Kreb cycle
3. Electron transport chain
Reactants | Products |
Glucose - C6H12O6Oxygen - 6O2 | Energy –38 ATPWater - 6H2OCarbondioxide - 6CO3 |

8. know the diff. Types of fermentation and the types of cells it takes place.
* It takes place in the cytoplasm – glucolysil
* Without oxygen
Lactate fermentation | Alcohol fermetation |
C6H12O6 (C-C-C-C-C-C) = 2 pyruvate (C-C-C / C-C-C) and 2 ATP | C6H12O6 (C-C-C-C-C-C) = 2 ethanol (C-C-C / C-C-C) + 2CO2 + 2ATP |

9. Knowthe resources used by humans and determine which ones are renewable and which ones are nonrenewable.
Nonrenewable resources: natural resources that cannot be replaced once they are used up (metal, uranium, lands, minerals)
Renewable resources are those resources that can be replaced as they are used up. (water, air, energy)

10. Know which factors cause extinction
Habitat loss, exoticspecies, pollution, overexploitation and disease.

11. Know the purpose of the Miller – Urley experiment, and be able to describe it. Proves chemical evolution; amonnia, hydrogen, water and nitrogen

12. Define the terms variation, fitness, adaptation, and evolution by natural selection.
- Fitness: it is measured by the number of fertile offspring produced throughout its lifetime.
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