Seguridad Ti

Páginas: 5 (1097 palabras) Publicado: 12 de febrero de 2013

Felipe Silva González
Charlotte English School Academic Director

Evolution of man kind of stop biologically with the Homo sapiens, but ages of changes couldn’t just freeze, we were used to it and we still love it, so that feeling is focused on science and technology. Not so many years ago we had to wait weeks or months to receive a letter, listen to our favorite songor see our own wedding video. Today you can see what’s happening in the other corner of the planet in actual time. Telecommunications is developing extremely fast.
Once computers were a vital part of the process, new ways of attacking it were developed and therefore new automatized tools for protection were needed. A new branch was born: Telecommunications and network security, an entirely newvocabulary came along.
It is common to find assorted information sharing almost the same physical space with different access points. When summering all this we find very clear the need of layers and security protocols at all levels.
Defining security, it is a group of resources to ensure the proper, correct and authorized access to the information. Usually deals with privacy, integrity(consistent, liable, not corrupted data) and always available to the user´s need at the desired time.
The information moves quickly through local or wide area networks (LAN, WAN). That traffic can be using a tangible resource as it can be a wire, which limits the movement to its physical capability or intangible as could be the laser and microwaves, they provide unlimited possibilities for data transferyet easier target for hackers.
Information security systems have become in “the issue” since internet and telecommunications globalization. Every time our needs of it are higher, with a forced bond to it as well.
So, we come to describe the network security standards. We have to begin by mentioning the way telecommunication take place in the network. It is a process divided into seven groupsor layers which are:
.Application: is the one that most of the people handle with, for example when you simply click on “SEND”, to have your message gone to its destiny.
.Presentation: translate what you write in the message according to you desired language into “computers language” to be sent in the web, later on translates it again to the form you originally typed it once it has achieved thetarget user.
.Session: Controls privacy between user and information, you have access just to you information, once you finish it the link to your data is closed as well as it was closed the other´s to you.
.Transport: Ensures carrying, delivering and checking the information.
.Network: translates logical addresses into physicals. It reports if the message was delivered or if there was anyerror.
.Data link: ensures that the data was delivered to the right address.
.Physical: Has to do with electrical and mechanical connections.
Security systems have been created in order to achieve safe connections, data transfer or just personal information access. And due to the seams-never-ending-growing services demanded in the internet, these security systems and protocols have to be improvedday by day, not doing so could cause an unthinkable disaster.
If we have a computer, it does not matter how old it is or how important our information is, there is for sure someone somewhere thinking somehow to get into it. Once we plug a router, a proxy, a telephone line, whatever, we are opening a window to that someone to get in. Taking that into account we start the security plan andstrategies.
Nevertheless, there are certain general rules to be followed:

. Create very few doors to get in and/or out,
. Create just the necessary applications to be handled from outside,
. There is always the chance of a breaking through, so keep your most valuable information away,
. Always use all the available resources in security area.

Obviously the first rule can never ever be...
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