Seguros Conceptos Básicos

Páginas: 5 (1228 palabras) Publicado: 9 de mayo de 2012
The teacher assigns the questions and task to different students ( according to the
number of them in each group) who speaks about them. It may take two or three hours of

At the end of unit all the students (individually or in groups) have to present the
answers to the questions.

Vist goole search engine and type: "types of insurance companies". Then read thecontent of: and


What is the main reason for this type of division?
* Life insurance companies, who sell life insurance, annuities and pensions products.
* Non-life or general insurance companies, who sell other types of insurance.
The mainreason for this division in insurance companies is that the life insurance companies business long term is given for decades, insurance companies and non-life run a business in the short term is one year po r that the tax rules and accounting is handled differently

2.- What is a reinsurance consultant?

The reinsurance companies are dedicated to sell policies to other insurers larger to reducerisks and protect themselves from very large losses, these reinsurers are very few but handled much more money than normal insurance, you could say q is like a kind of monopoly

3.- What is a insurance consultant?
The 'insurance consultants. As a mortgage broker, these companies are paid a fee by the customer for purchasing the best insurance policy amongst many companies, work with thecustomer, their work is focused on the customer not to a particular insurer
4.- What is the difference between an insurance consultant and an insurance broker?
An insurance broker works similarly to the work of an insurance consultant, the difference is that commission is paid by the insurance company and does not work directly with the customer.
5.- Is there a rule to set the rates?
there is no fixedrule to set fees or commissions, as managing statistics and probabilities according to the number of customers while also varies in relation to sex, age, smoker, disease and other types of variables that are not quantitative but qualitative.
6.- What are the factor to be considered to determine insurance rates
Factors to set insurance rates are also various management should have the statisticsand probabilities based on the number of customers, while also varies in relation to sex, age, smoking, medical history, life insurance, driving history, type of car or insurance, appraisal of the house, location and other variables that are not quantitative but mostly qualitative.

7.- Who are considered high risk policy holders for health insurance rates?
Are considered high risk are thosewho are prone to disease, it greatly influences age and medical history, so insurance companies offer other HMO or PPO that fit best to your medical conditions
8.- Who are considered high risk policy holders for motor insurance rates?
Insurance companies have different types of auto insurance cover either accidentally damage the vehicle, the owner and sometimes to others, and rates vary dependingon factors such as age of the owner, year of vehicle, traffic fines, mileage average trip, make and model, this enables you to better estimate the type of insurance that best suits you.

9.- Which organization rules this activity in Ecuador?
The superintendent is in control of insurers in Ecuador, makes rules and enforces the rules, especially the SOAT, which is a compulsory insurance.

10.-How to do insurance companies make money?

The main goal of insurers is to cover a major loss and the idea is not to use that insurance, so we have many clients, fees are paid per day and each month, the insurance does not cover all customers every month, so their invesion is secured using a secure client on rare occasions. If you receive more bonus payments than they do, is a technical...
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