Sherlock holmes and the important exam paper

Páginas: 15 (3567 palabras) Publicado: 21 de febrero de 2012
«ec.,e Mi, SutheHand ^ Who did you wrire the ochcr l etter to?' I ¿fce'd
■ Shídock'Holmes and f wcnt olí a visit to onc'of our'great
uniyersicy cides. . '•■':.■.,■■

beard wCre also very stnmgc. And w
Sherlock Holmes and'the Important Exam Paper


'What did you say?'--*and come to you for help.'

,. 'Perhaps somebody here wili have a problem, Holmes,' I said,
. .

'Vm going tobe busy wich other work, Witson,' Holmes said.
'I want to look at some booksat- che; universícy.'I doñ't' want
other pcople's problerru.' ..'■ -.; ■ ■.•.■.'"■■■■■ . But somebody did wani help.- ■.._.:•■..■•-:■.-■ f ...

= ■ Hücon Soames, a tcacher at the'univenity, carne" tb see us. He was a cali, chin man and was very.excited about something. he askcd.-'Something happcned this afeernoon.1 Whydon't you ask chem?' : ■■ :

'Can you give nie an hóur ór cwo of your time, Mr Hólmes?1
Tm very busy,' Holmes said. 'Perhaps the pólice can help'you. ■■■ .-. .. - - .:.;■■ .-. 'No, no, riot :hé pólice,' Mr Soames said. "We don't want
strangen to :know about thu problem. You're the right penon,

Mr Holmes' Only you can help.'

■ ■ ■

■. ' .


. 'All right,'Holmes said.'TeUme. What hap'pened?' . ■ ■ -' 'Tomorrow is the fiíst dáy ofsome important exams,- Mr Soames said. 'The exam papen are, of course. secret. Every 'srúdeht would üke to see them befbre the exam, so wé are very carcful with them. . .'1. teach-Greek, o'dbck, today theGreek exam paper arrived in my.oEBce. I had it caréfuily for the last time, because therc can be no miscakcs. Butat four-thirry I went out co a friend's house for tea. 1 left che exam paper - three pages
- on my desk.but I locked my door.' ...:•■

'How longwere you out?' Holmes isked. ■■"'',

; '-. ■

'For abouc an hour,'Mr Soames answered.'When I carne back. there was a key in ray dooH It wasn't my key. 1 had my key in my
coac' ■ ..'.:. y .■ -.

'Does your servánc have a key?'

^'Yes.' Mr Soarhes said. ;BannÍsier is a good man, Mr Holmes, but

ít was his key He visited my room fivc or ten minutes aftcr I left it'!' , : ■ '

'Why?1 Holmes asked. .

'Thacs interesting,'Holmes said. ■' ■ . ; . . 'Oné. more ching,' Mr Soames said. 'I have a new desk - but

,'H« bnhgs me tea every afternoon. Today he forgot about the
. .

visit co my fricnd.'. 'And he left his key in your door whcn he went out,' Holmes in your. room aftcr the exam paper carne to you?' . . . ,■

you. Mi- Soames. Now, tcll me something. Did anybody visic you

. Holmes thought for a minute or two, then he said, Til help


;Vts. He's usually very carefúl, but-' ...

^Yes, young Daulat Ras, an Indian student.'Mr Soames said.

■'But.not today,'. Holmessaid.

'No, noc today.'Mr Soames said.
■. ." ■,■

• ,
desk b'efore you hid it?.1 . ' '; -


'So you went inco your róom -\

"He wanted to ask me about the. exam. Buc he coüldri't read the paper. I puta book on top ofit.'. . . . : ■-■ . ■ : ■* 'Buc he saw ic,' Holmes said.'He saw the exam paper oh your
■ =. ' < • •

'Yes, and :he exam paper was there, but only onc page .was on..-■.■
Banniscer?' .

che desk.' -.-.
:. .


; ■






. '


- ,'Where were the other two pages?'

■Did any ocher people know about the exam paper? Did
_• - ■

on the Qoor.' ■

'One was on the cable near the window. The other page was
.■''''. ■ '; ■ : ■
'I left him in my room.'


'No,'Mr Soamessaid.'Nobody.'
'Where is Bannister now?'

v .Holmes wassuddenly interested. ■ . .■ . .-¡. 7 'The Hrst page was on the floor,'he said slowly.'.Thc second

'Did you leave your door open?' Holmes asked.

■ page was on the cable near the window. And the third page was on your desk. Am I right?' ■■■■ . ■ ■-. ■■/

'Yes, buc I locked the paper in my desk first.' Mr Soames said.
Xet's go to...
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