Show And Tell

Páginas: 2 (352 palabras) Publicado: 11 de julio de 2011
Show and Tell. 

This stuffed animal is very important to me. Its head is yellow and its shell is green, red, light blue and orange.  Inside it has a blueGUATERO to keep me warm in the winter. It was a gift from my mom. She gave it to me on my 7th birthday and since that day it has been my unconditional friend. I even sleepwith it. There were some times in which I had to stay over somebody else’s house and I took it with me. I remember one day when I went to a sleepover and I had to comeback home and get it because I forgot to bring it with me. My sister never liked it and every time I wasn’t home she hid it from me. I cried many times because I didn’tknow where it was or what had happened to it. I have had it for so many years that it’s not in a perfect condition anymore. I have had to patch it several times but tome it still looks as great as the first day i got it. I have only washed it five times in its life, and it has gotten a cod twice. I should wash it more often but Idon’t want it to get sick again. This turtle is more than a stuffed animal to me. It’s my inseparable friend and confident.  I might not be a child anymore but I don’tsee myself without it. It has become a part of my life, especially because it was a present. I know it will be hard and painful the day when I have to separate myselffrom it. I try not to think about that it too much because I know it will be soon. I used to do absolutely everything with it but lately I had tried not to, so it won’t bethat hard when that day comes. Out of all the toys I have had this one is and always will be the most valuable in my life.

Name: Carolina Campos

First grade C
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