Silent Way

Páginas: 3 (672 palabras) Publicado: 25 de octubre de 2012
The method Silent way is useful to learn English insofar that as the teacher is silent most of the time, it allows students to develop their autonomy. Is necessary the use somespecialized teaching materials that helps to promotes students the ability to be good problem solvers and students can develop their oral skills through the association of materials and new vocabulary.Through time, the teaching methods have changed considerably. Before, the teacher was the possessor of absolute knowledge and the student was totally passive. Today, there are many methods that offerchanging roles of both, teacher and student, an example is The Silent way, this is a pedagogical approach in which the teacher is the passive and the student is a 100% active. This method allows students todevelop their autonomy over the class. Obviously, the responsibility does not fall entirely on the student" However, the teacher intervenes, if necessary, to draw the learners' attention to the waythey are going about the act of learning." for this reason the teacher speaks very little and he merely observes and in turn he can make corrections he may deem necessary either from prosody, syntax,vocabulary, sounds etc. Students can develop their mental abilities and the teacher makes more participation among its students. This method emphasizes student autonomy in learning a foreign language.Also, in this method is important the use of physical objects. Like the rods and the color charts, who provides skills to develop agility both mental and physical as

Result it promotes studentsthe ability to be good problem solvers because the learning assists the progress of the student who discovers or creates instead than remembers and repeats what is to be acquired. As well, apprenticeslearn in a way more useful through problem solving that implies the target language. The silent way views problem solving as a creative discovery activity where the student is the active agent, “it...
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