Sistemas de informacion

Páginas: 3 (707 palabras) Publicado: 21 de junio de 2011
Ing. De Sistemas De Información

Your Results for: "Multiple Choice" |

1. | | Information technology plays a critical role in helping organizations:  Your Answer: | perceiveenvironmental change. |
  | Correct |
2. | | All organizations become very efficient over time because individuals in the firm develop: Your Answer: | routines for producing goods and services.|
  | Correct |
3. | | The set of fundamental assumptions about what products the organization should produce, how and where it should produce them, and for whom they should be producedis  Your Answer: | organizational culture. |
  | Correct |
4. | | The transaction cost theory states that the organization is a(n):  Your Answer: | entity that grows larger because itcan conduct marketplace transactions internally more cheaply than it can with external firms in the marketplace. |
  | Correct |
5. | | In postindustrial societies, authority increasinglyrelied on:  Your Answer: | knowledge and competence. |
  | Correct |
6. | | This individual is credited with the development of the five forces competitive model:  Your Answer: |Michael Porter. |
  | Correct |
7. | | Google are using information technology to pursue this generic strategy:  Your Answer: | product differentiation. |
  | Correct |
8. | |Chrysler Corporation uses technology as a competitive strategy against their competitors:  Your Answer: | strengthening customer and supplier intimacy. |
  | Correct |
9. | | Locking incustomers by making it difficult for them to change to another product is referred to as  Your Answer: | creating switching costs. |
  | Correct |
10. | | The value chain model highlightsthe primary or support activities that add a margin of value to a firm's products or services where: Your Answer: | information systems can best be applied to achieve a competitive advantage. |
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