Páginas: 3 (738 palabras) Publicado: 9 de marzo de 2015
What is a heater solar of water?
It's a system that heats water only with the sun's energy without consuming electricity or gas.
How is it?
A heater solar of water mainly consists ofthree parts:
The flat solar collector: That is responsible for capturing the sun’s energy and transfer it to water.
The hot water tank: where the hot water is stored.
The system of pipes: throughwhich water circulates.
How does it work?
Water circulates through the system thanks to the effect known as “thermosiphonic”, causing the temperature difference; the hot water is lighter than cold and,therefore, tend to rise. This is what happens between the flat solar collector and the water heater, whereby a natural circulation is established, without need of any pumping equipment.
And to keep thehot water is used hot water tank, which is covered with a thermal insulation to prevent loss the heat.
How much last?
A good solar water heater can last working until 15 or 20 years, that is, severalyears longer than a “boiler”.
What are the benefits?

How selecting equipment?
The selection of a solar system depends primarily on the following factors:
First: Number of persons andhabits of water use in the home. These data are essential, since they depend, largely, the required size of the solar equipment.

¿Qué es un calentador solar de agua?

Es unsistema que calienta agua sólo con la energía proveniente del sol y sin consumir gas o electricidad.

¿Cómo es?

Un calentador solar de agua consta principalmente de tres partes:

El colector solar plano:que se encarga de capturar la energía del sol y transferirla al agua.
El termo tanque: donde se almacena el agua caliente
El sistema de tuberías: por donde el agua circula.

¿Cómo funciona?

Elcolector solar plano captura el calor proveniente de los rayos y lo transfiere al agua que circula en su interior, por medio de aletas captadoras conectadas a tubos por donde circula el agua. Para...
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