Source Analysis

Páginas: 3 (718 palabras) Publicado: 24 de septiembre de 2012
The Causes of the First World War

1. Source C and D are similar to a certain point. Both sources agree in the fact that Austria has full support from Germany . The German secretary of stateestated that “The more determined Austria shows herself, the more energetically we support her”. This reflects the full support of the Kaiser to the Austrian emperor. The quote also shows that the Germangovernment want a quick reaction from Austria, so the prestige of its only firm ally would not decrease even more. In source C it says that “… it was the Kaisers opinion that this action must not bedelayed” while in source D it attribute the reason for this quickness of action to the realization that “Austria has neglected many opportunities and that she is still to act, though in a few years shemay no longer be”.
Apart from this both sources agree that Russia’s action would definitely be hostile and would defend Serbia and the Balkans from Austria actions. In source C Count Szogyeny“Russia`s attitude would no doubt be hostile” and in source D there is also the statement that “To be sure, there will be some agitation in St Petersburg”.
Despite this both sources also agree that Russiais in no position to attack immediately or be prepared for a long term war. Although action is motivated because the dangers of hegemony of Russia in the Balkans, “Russia at the present time is in noway prepared for war” as it says in Source C. Source D also states something similar when it says “Russia is not ready to strike at present” So both sources basically agree that Russia will not be aninmediate threat to Austria`s plans.
Despite from all this, Germany was more concerned than Austria in the magnitude of the war. While in source C the Austrian ambassador states that in “the presentmoment all is in our favor” reflecting that Austria will go unopposed in its attack on Serbia. Despite this the whole of Source D is a letter instructing the German ambassador on Londres to try to...
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