
Páginas: 4 (864 palabras) Publicado: 20 de mayo de 2012
Daniela Villacres Wednesday, February 8th, 2012.
Speech-Violence- We can make the change
Hello and good morning classmates and Mr. Lawrence. I am glad to join you, today because I am going totalk about a very serious and dangerous topic that has been affecting a lot of families, people, and more and its call “Violence”.
I know we have been talking about this topic for a long time inthe school, at home, through reports or videos, etc, but there is a big problem with this, and it’s that we don’t do anything about, it to change it or to stop it.
In the entire world you can findviolence, but in some places less than others. For example, in the United States there are a lot of laws and there are policemen everywhere, but in Mexico a lot of people die every day because, there isless security than in U.S. The problem with this is that the presidents don’t do anything to change the country’s security and to make a better society.
We are refusing to change. To help thosepeople who need more. Those people that don’t have food or a house, because these are some of the people that steal and kill to survive. We should try to start thinking about not wasting food or water,etc because there is a person out there that doesn’t have anything to survive with. May be if we stop wasting too much the insecurity would stop. An example are the Ten Commandments from God, well thereare two that I’d like to share with you. “You are not going to steal” and “You are not going to kill” what about that. People don’t care. What about what God did for us? He died for us and in returnwe are breaking the rules he put. Why do we still sin? Also there is bully and cyber-bully that are found everywhere. The bulling, you can see it at home, at school and even in now days, anywhere. Wecan’t let this still happening because this is destroying the self-esteem of other. Now there isn’t anywhere safe. There are hundreds, NO! Thousands of people dying every day, young girls pregnant...
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