
Páginas: 3 (553 palabras) Publicado: 11 de mayo de 2011
In this report, we want to show is the entrepreneurial capacity of the new professionals who go to the workforce. Now days, the focus is how to be an entrepreneur andthe only way to achieve it is starting your own business, in which you work using your skills and knowledge and not forgetting the possibility of working for a company.
The young Colombian hasbeen evolving with the mentality of progress to keep up, and that is the reasons why they do not think only to work in a company in the future in. Now the mentality you have is to be businessmen,entrepreneurs, to seek ways of how to promote work that is what you are looking for the country.
There are many known cases of professionals who are working in a good company, but cannot find that spiritthat they want as professionals. That spark is the impetus to study this race and has excited to going ahead with all projects that they have in mind.
The professional have to work for getting anideal job seeking to goal their expectations aside obligations. If you try to do things that you like and your passions, you will be a professional with a dream job.
Well this way youwanted to make clear what is the thinking on the ideal job for young people in Colombia and most important is that kind of thinking I know if increasingly spreading so everyone can meet their goals moreeasily.

Lo que se quiere mostrar en este informe es ver la capacidad de emprendimiento de los nuevos profesionales que salen al campo laboral. Ya el objetivo no es tener un trabajo,ahora el objetivo es como dar empleo y la única manera de lograrlo es montando tu propia empresa, en el cual te das a conocer y no te quita la posibilidad de también trabajar para otra empresa.Cuerpo
El joven colombiano viene evolucionando con una mentalidad de progresas de no quedarse atrás es por esto que ya no se piensa tanto en que empresa voy a entrar a trabajar en un futuro. Ahora la...
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