Su Turno De Ser Gerente 3

Páginas: 7 (1568 palabras) Publicado: 13 de agosto de 2011

Punto 1

For each of the seven statements, indicate your level of agreement or disagreement using the following scale:
1 = Strongly disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Uncertain
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly agree
1. I like the thrill and excitement from taking risks.
2. I prefer managers who provide detailed andrational explanations for their decisions.
3. If a person's job performance is inadequate, it's irrelevant how much effort he or she made.
4. No person's needs should be compromised in order for a department to achieve its goals.
5. I like being part of a team and having my performance assessed in terms of my contribution to the team.
6. I like to work where there isn'ta great deal of pressure and where people are essentially easygoing.
7. I like things to be stable and predictable.
Total Points : 23 points
Top of Form
Your total will range between 7 and 35. Scores of 21 or lower indicate that you're more comfortable in a formal, mechanistic, rule-oriented, and structured culture. This is oftenassociated with large corporations and government agencies. The lower your number, the stronger your preference for this type of culture. Scores above 22 indicate a preference for informal, humanistic, flexible, and innovative cultures, which are more likely to be found in high-tech companies, small businesses, research units, or advertising agencies. The higher your score above 22, the strongeryour preference for these humanistic cultures. Organizational cultures differ. So do individuals. The better you're able to match your personal preferences to an organization's culture, the more likely you are to find satisfaction in your work, and the greater the probability that you'll receive positive performance evaluations. |
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Punto 2
The Corporate Culture Survival Guide.
SanFrancisco: Jossey-Bass.
What is culture?
It is essentially made up of assumptions that are learned, normalized, internalized and shared among members of a community. Culture suggests “appropriate” ways of doing things. These are ways that have been proven to work, and their success justifies the continued existence and diffusion of the particular beliefs and values. Culture therefore providestacit rules and behavioral guidelines and gives meaning and predictability to life.
Culture is deep: “Culture controls one more than he controls culture”. It contains the norms of a particular social context, i.e. what is right and acceptable and what is not. It is therefore a form of control over one’s behavior, even though this control is usually on the subconscious level. Whensomething becomes part of the culture, it becomes taken for granted, and one feels that he has no control over it, for it has already become part of the basic underlying assumption of a particular setting. It goes out of his immediate awareness, and because he cannot see it, he cannot change it.
Culture is broad: It encompasses all the beliefs and assumptions of daily life and serves as aguideline for all external and internal relationships within one’s environment. For the organization, it includes not only its internal workings, but also its relationship with respect to the other parts that make up the whole of its environment.
Culture is stable: Because culture represents the accumulated learning of a group and provides meaning and predictability, any perceived changes provoke atemporal loss of direction, leading to anxiety, and are hence resisted. As such, when faced with any unexpected situations that cannot be resolved or are not deemed acceptable within the cultural norms, social actors will automatically try to stabilize and “normalize” these situations within the context of the prevailing culture, thereby reinforcing its inherent stability. Also, there is a...
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