Tabajo De Inglés

Páginas: 8 (1915 palabras) Publicado: 12 de noviembre de 2012
Halloween is a night of fantasy and mystery. The fear and the terror to the night of Halloween comes from this belief from that the dead men return in this night to visit us. - The Halloween that is celebrated nowadays today, began it does more than 3,000 years in Ireland as a festival of crop of the Celts. For the Celts, the change of stations was acquiring a magic importance. HALLOWEEN'sHISTORY - The Halloween that is celebrated nowadays today, began it does more than 3,000 years in Ireland as a festival of crop of the Celts. For the Celts, the change of stations was acquiring a magic importance. Samhain was the most important festival, since it was last day of the crop and the winter beginning. Concretely this festival was celebrated at the end of October and at the beginning ofNovember.

In the night of October 31 the souls of the dead men were returning to visit earthly homes. The Celts believed that in this night the window that was separating the world of the alive ones and that of the dead men was disappearing. To support to these satisfied spirits and to remove the bad spirits of his homes the Celts were leaving food or sweets out of his homes. This tradition hasbeen kept in the time and has turned what today we call trick or trick (treatment or trick), where the children go of house in house asking for sweets. With the passage of time and following the historical facts the Romans conquered the Celts, these influenced the Celtic world with his festivals to the Roman goddess of the crop, Pamona. Hereinafter with the arrival of the Christians they thoughtthat the Celts were adoring to the devil, though the devil never existed in the Celtic religion. The Christians determined that the way of converting the Celts to the christianity was adopting the festival of the Celts and to turn it into the religious one. On October 31 like that it turned in eve of the All Saints' Day (all hallow's eve) and of here Halloween's name. The Celts never accepted theChristian traditions and because of it still there are in force the traditions of this night of magic, witches and ghosts. Nowadays in October the homes are adorned by gourds, witches, ghosts, skeletons and black cats. The night of October 31 the people disguise herself, the children go away of house in house asking for sweets or they see movies of terror. SYMBOLS The Day of Halloween is representedby witches' images flying on brooms, lanterns of hollow gourds, black cats, ghosts, bats and skeletons. These are used so much to decorate, as in popular disguises. The black is Halloween's traditional color, mainly because Halloween is celebrated by night. The naranja is another traditional color of this festivity why it is the color of the gourds, a fruit to which him there are cut some chunksof a such way that simulates a perverse face, and a candle is placed ignited inside. THE GOURD AND OTHER MYTHS THE ORIGIN OF JACK-O-LANTERN's GOURD When the Irishes came to USA and introduced the holiday of the Night of the Brujas, also removed with it what would be the most famous symbol of the night of Halloween: the Jack-o-lantern (the hollow gourd with a candle inside). This tradition comesfrom an Irish legend: such a Jack dies and of so bad that it was it sees since there prohibits him the entry both to the Sky and to the Hell. Since then it is condemned to stroll around by the world looking for an entry to one of two sites with the only help of a cabbage with a candle inside. The American Irishes changed the cabbage into the gourd (much more common in his new land) and, emulatingto the poor Jack that of the Lantern, made be born the myth of Halloween's gourd. A myth that in turn made grow the whole gastronomy with the orange fruit as protagonist ... WHY THE TRADITION OF THE DISGUISES? The tradition of " disguising itself " in Halloween is relatively recent. They say that it was born in France between the XIV the and XV the century, during the celebration of the " Holiday...
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