Tales De Mileto

Páginas: 2 (470 palabras) Publicado: 20 de noviembre de 2012
27/08/2012Tales de Mileto
Tales de Mileto

Hello my name is Tales de Mileto I born in Greece on 630 b.C and died in 545 b.C

I never get married and I had a son that Iadopted from my sister

I was the pioneer of rational inquiry about the universo,I am the first philosopher in the world before of Aristoteles.
I was a very good mathematic person and I am going toexplain to you what I colaborated to mathematics.
I was the first of the seven sages of Greece,the seven sages are ME,Cleobulos de Lindos,Solon de Atenas ,Quilon de Esparta,Bias de Priene,Pitaco deMitilen and Periandro de Corinto
I colaborated to trasnport very good ideas from Egypt to Greece of Geometry.
I measured the pyramids with the bases of geometry,only with his shadow. That happenedwhen I was in Egypt before when I went to Greece to teach de geometry to de
A very good thing about me is that I created “The Thales theorem”, the first one explain how to make a similar triangle ofa triangle that already exist , While the second one uncovers an essential property of the circumcenters of all the triangles rectangles I made 5 theorem that
are :

* The base angles of anisosceles triangle are equal.

* A circle is bisected by any diameter.

* The angles between two intersecting straight lines are equal.

* Two triangles are congruent if they have twoangles and one side equal.

* Any angle inscribed in a semicircle is a right angle.

I tried to give a a physical explanation of the univers, which for me was a rational space despite its apparentdisorder, However, I did not seek a Creator in this rationality, because for me all born of wáter which was the basic element that all things where maded,the wáter is air,clouds etc..
Almost all thepeople said that I do not writed anything because any of my written are discovered that I maid all by speaking
I founded a School,One characteristic of my school was axiomatic monism, according...
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  • Tales de Mileto
  • Tales de mileto
  • Tales De Mileto

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