Tango: la fusion de pasion y danza

Páginas: 10 (2473 palabras) Publicado: 26 de abril de 2011
The Fuse of Dance and Passion

In the world of dance there is many different styles of dances, from the classical ballet that has been performed since the sixteen century to the freestyle dances like hip-hop or break dance. But inside all that variety of dances there is one that is so amazing that anyone can resist to it, and this style of dance I am talking about is the Tango.
The HistoryBehind
There is a cliché that Tango was born in the brothels of Buenos Aires, but ,it was not in the brothels that Tango was born, it was in the courtyards of the neighborhoods where the poor lived. At the beginning of the Nineteenth Century Buenos Aires had been little more than a village at the furthest corner of the Spanish Empire. In the middle of the Nineteenth Century the British arrived todevelop the railway network across Argentina this huge change made possible the transportation of agricultural produce for export, and also the exploitation of mineral resources, the only thing missing was the workers necessary to make the landowners rich.

The Argentine government decided to bring workers form Europe, They offered accommodation for a man's first week in Argentina with verygenerous salary, Immediately an avalanche of immigration began. Almost all the immigrants were people hoping to work for a few years, make some decent money, and then go back home to their families, So the majority of the immigrants were men and of course by the beginning of the Twentieth Century the majority of people in Buenos Aires were immigrants, this meant that the number of women was just a few.The majority of the immigrants not get rich, and so never go home, but they also had very little chance of creating a family for themselves in Argentina, there were simply not enough women for all the men to settle down and have children.There were really only two practical ways for a man to get close to a woman under these circumstances. One was to visit a prostitute and the other was to dance,with so much competition from other men on the dance floor, if a man wanted a woman to dance with him, it was necessary for him to be a good dancer. It didn't matter if he knew lots of fancy steps the only thing that mattered was that the woman in his arms had a good time when she danced with him.
This meant that it was necessary for the men to practice together in order to be good enough todance with the women. It is important to remember that this was a time before recorded music was available, the only kind of music was live music, with so many people living together in one building, it was very likely that someone might play the guitar, perhaps someone else might play the violin or the flute, and that from time to time they would get together to play the popular tunes of the time. Soif a group of men heard music playing they would jump at the chance to dance to it. In the other hand, moving to the brothels there would be live music and other men waiting to catch up and dance togheter while they wait.
The music and dance became a common language that united people from many different cultures. It was here that the different music and dance styles brought by immigrants fromdifferent countries, and by the people already in Argentina, blended together, and what emerged slowly became Tango.
The World of Tango
The first piece of music written and published in Argentina describing itself as a tango appeared in 1857. It was called "Toma maté, ché". The word Tango at that time is thought to referred to what is now known as Tango Andaluz, (Andalucian Tango), a style ofmusic from the area of Spain which is also the home of Flamenco, which was one of the most popular kinds of music in Buenos Aires in the middle of the Nineteenth Century. There are a number of theories about the origin of the word "Tango" in Argentina. Another theory and one of the more popular in recent years has been that it came from the community of people of African descent, who mixed the...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas