Tarea De Filosofia

Páginas: 8 (1774 palabras) Publicado: 24 de febrero de 2013
Andrea Morales
Laura Lilian Escoto
Celina Rentería
Emilio Hernández

First Periods
Franchises, International Trade, Outsourcing and Free Trade agreements
a) Investigate what S.A de C.V means
S.A de C.V
Means “Sociedad Anonima de Capital Variable””, they are companies listed on the Stock Exchange, this acronym commonly is in English as Anonym Society. This type of society is the more usualfigure that exist. This consists of members (shareholders) whose obligation are limited and exclusive to the payment of their actions, from there it´s considered as capital society.
It must have at least two members, and a social capital of minimum $ 50,000.00 (Fifty thousand pesos 00/100), Subscribing each partner at least one action. This company should be formed by public deed (with the publicnotary)
The capital society of an anonymous society is represented by actions which are divided and represented by registered certificates that will be used to demonstrate and transmit the quality and shareholder rights.
The actions shall be of equal value and equal rights . Each action entitled to only one vote in the decisions of the assembly.
The distribution of the profits and capital societyshall be in proportion to the amount of shares
b) Mexican Constitution regarding extranjerías
ARTICLE 27. Land ownership and waters within the boundaries of the national territory is vested originally to the Nation, which has had and has the right to transmit title thereof to private people, thereby constituting private property.
Expropriation can only be done because of the cause of publicutility and on payment of compensation.
IV. Actions by the companies may own rural land, but only to the extent necessary for fulfill its purpose.
In no event this kind of companies may be owning land devoted to farming, ranching or forestry to a greater extent than the respective equivalent to twenty five times the limits indicated in section XV of this article. The regulatory law regulates thestructure of capital and the minimum number of members of these societies, in order that the land owned company regarding not exceed the limits of each partner smallholdings. In this case, al individual ownership property, land for a rustic; be accumulated for purposes of computing. The law also specifies the conditions for foreign participation in these companies.
The law itself establishes themeans of registration and control necessary for the fulfillment of the provisions of this sub paragraph.
Article 28
Monopolies of any kind or tax exemptions are prohibited in Mexico under the terms and conditions provided by law. The same applies to prohibitions under the guise of industry protection.
The law shall punish severely, and the authorities shall effectively prosecute, every concentrationor hoarding of articles of prime necessity in one or a few hands in order to promote price increases; every act or proceeding of producers, industrialists, retailers, and service entrepreneurs to prevent competition among themselves and to compel consumers to pay excessive prices; and, in general, whatever constitutes exclusive and undue advantage in favor of one or more individuals, to thedetriment of the general public or any social class.
The laws shall determine the bases for setting maximum prices for articles or for consumer goods considered as essential for the economy or for popular consumption. They shall also impose means for organizing the distribution of such articles or consumer goods, in order to avoid unnecessary intermediaries that could generate supply shortages andprice increases.
The law shall protect consumers and encourage their organization for the better protection of their interests. The functions exercised exclusively by the State in the strategic areas referred to herein shall not constitute monopolies: postal system; telegraph and radiotelegraphy; crude oil and hydrocarbons; basic petrochemical industry, radioactive minerals and nuclear power...
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